Brat Rescue and Transport; How they really treat rescues
replied to DebraDownSouth on last edited by westcoastflea1This post is deleted!
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replied to elbrant on last edited by westcoastflea1This post is deleted!
replied to elbrant on last edited by westcoastflea1This post is deleted!
@elbrant Ignore her, she is attacking you also. The more she posts, the more she incriminates herself. It is up to the authorities to deal with her. I have archived her posts, including the deleted ones. This thread will be removed in due time.
replied to westcoastflea1 on last edited by
@westcoastflea1 said in Brat Rescue and Transport; How they really treat rescues:
Any vet who sees Declan and reads medical records will give Declan back. plain and simple, can't ignore facts and they are there.
Heather, didn't you say you got an email that none of the Veterinarians in your area will see Declan if he is still in your care?
- It is not up to the Veterinarian what happens to Declan after he is seen by them. They are only responsible for giving a thorough and honest health evaluation.
- You should not expect, or even hope, that Declan will come back to you.
- If you want to keep Declan, sign the release paperwork for BRAT and put this nightmare behind you.
@elbrant It’s at the point where anyone who reads can figure out what’s actually going on and see the false claims, she is just digging a bigger and bigger hole for herself.
Take this little snippet. “if the vet wanted a certain dose she should have made it clear, but no dose on scripts, no dose given to pharmacist. I ordered what I needed, when I wanted it, and the quantities I wanted.
Medical records make it clear dose and drug was concerning her greatly.
Not great notes either. Nothing like my last vetHow do you comply with something that does not exist? if she wanted a certain dose it should have been on the bottle and the script, it was not.”
Curious, the vet and pharmacist must not know the law and violated the law.
Ҥ13794. Labeling of prescriptions
Every drug dispensed pursuant to prescription, whether for a legend drug or not, must carry on the label the following information: the prescription number; the date of filling; the patient's name; directions for use; the name and strength of the drug and the amount dispensed, including either the brand name of the drug” -
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replied to Dagodingo on last edited byThis post is deleted!
replied to westcoastflea1 on last edited byThis post is deleted!
You might not like the responses, but none of us are your enemy. Why are you fighting with us? You came her to vent about things that were happening to you. Some of the things that you have said don't make sense, so we are asking questions. Or offering advice. We can't know everything that has happened. We don't know how this will all turn out. But none of us deserve the backlash.
You're angry. I get it. I don't care. If I have to be the big sister, or step-mom, or whoever it is you hate soooo much, then fine. I'm in your face. Pull it together! What you are doing does not help Declan. So knock it off!
Face what is happening. Because if you actually refuse to release that dog, or try to switch it for another dog, and a Sherriff/Police Officer is with Animal Control when it happens, you could end up in handcuffs.
Consider what that means. You will be escorted from your home. All of the dogs in your home could be taken into Animal Controls' custody. You might have to post bail to get out of jail before your court appearance. You will have to pay fines. You might lose your job. You might not be able to make rent and have trouble maintaining your housing. Your entire life could be turned upside down. And trust me, when that happens, it can take a long time to get back to where you are now.
Why are you willing to let that happen? Is this dog worth being a convict? Homeless? Unemployable?
You can avoid all of that. Just sign BRAT's release form. IMHO, it's the only reasonable option that you have. That has been my advice and it remains my advice. Everything else you are doing is just bringing a rainstorm down on you.
And honestly, the only one who needs to know why you are acting like this. Is Declan.
Explain it to Declan. Tell him how he isn't important enough for you to adopt him. Tell him how you would rather go to jail than sign a piece of paper. Tell him how these strangers are going to put a wire hoop around his neck so they can control him enough to get him into a container -- because you would rather fight than lift him up yourself. Tell him. Tell him he isn't worth it if you don't get paid to take care of him.
Go ahead, Heather, tell him. I don't want to hear it anymore.
replied to elbrant on last edited by westcoastflea1This post is deleted!
@westcoastflea1 said in Brat Rescue and Transport; How they really treat rescues:
Is a dog worth it? Declan is
I didn't say Declan wasn't worth it. You did. Every action you have taken says you only want Declan if he comes with a check. Go explain that to him.