Brat Rescue and Transport; How they really treat rescues
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@giza1 BRaT are an excellent and responsible advocate for basenjis, as shown by their actions throughout this ordeal. Thank you for what all the members do for these dogs. It reassures me to know my contributions go to a worthy cause that uses the funds responsibly.
replied to elbrant on last edited by
@elbrant said in Brat Rescue and Transport; How they really treat rescues:
Dogs that are in a healthy environment are not anxious and insecure."
Not true. Dogs can be unstable, not necessarily related to their home.
Nor is it true you have to own an emotional support dog. They are not the same as Service dogs, but Service Dogs also do not have to be owned by the person. Some organizations train, place dogs, take back if there are issues or the dog is aging, etc.
Nor do you know what was meant for Declan. A dog with bite issues that is deemed by a rescue to not be adoptable could likely stay in one home as long as it lives.
replied to westcoastflea1 on last edited by
@westcoastflea1 said in Brat Rescue and Transport; How they really treat rescues:
that BRAT would actually attempt to have Animal Control take, by BRATS own admission, any red and white on my property
Without you taping the officer, you have no proof. Nor does the officer's comment prove anything. How many basenjis do you have on your property? Are none tattooed or microchipped? Can you place/rehome other dogs so your finances are better?
I am fairly sure any judge would require proof the seized dog is BRATS'... a potentially good thing you don't know how to upload photos as they could be used. '
You continue to say you won't accept Brat stopping medical care/food payment. The bottom line is that unless the contract states they are liable until the dog dies, they can choose to cease funding. In a court, the vets who will no longer work with you will give a heavy mark against your complying with care.
You are at a point of having to accept they are not going to fund his care further. Use the energy you are wasting on the horrible personal attacks you have been subjected to here, the anger at BRAT, all of the negative emotions, and work on how you can find a way to fund his needs. Using your own analogy, you aren't being the mother running in to save your child. Your actions are not helping... so you are the crying mother. Be the other mother... do a go fund me to help tide you over while you find means to care for him. A week on this board under constant abuse has done nothing positive. Turn your back on it and start brainstorming with people who want to help you.
@eeeefarm said in Brat Rescue and Transport; How they really treat rescues:
Way too much judging going on here. Not much in the way of sympathy or help.
I'm not judging her ... but I am trying to give her a "wake up" call. There are so many inconsistancies that I'm having trouble decoding what's what.... and she keeps tossing new things into the mix. Now there's a post saying how are they going to know which dog is which? ... Helloooo microchip! But, how many dogs does she have? We don't know her. We don't know how much of this is true and how much is a farce.
I do believe that she is caring for this dog, Declan, in a foster home capacity for BRAT.
I do believe that the local Veterinarians are taking a hard pass.We aren't all fans of tough love, but I don't know what else to offer. She's in a terrible spot and if she doesn't start thinking clearly, she could destroy her life. Of course, that will be BRAT's fault too, right?
replied to DebraDownSouth on last edited by
@debradownsouth said in Brat Rescue and Transport; How they really treat rescues:
Not true. Dogs can be unstable, not necessarily related to their home.
Realistically, after eight years, I would expect a dog to have "settled in".
Nor is it true you have to own an emotional support dog. They are not the same as Service dogs, but Service Dogs also do not have to be owned by the person. Some organizations train, place dogs, take back if there are issues or the dog is aging, etc.
An ESA is typically a companion dog, like your pet. They normally live with you... which is why pet deposits and pet rent is legally waived.
Nor do you know what was meant for Declan.
I never said that I did. I don't claim to see the future. I do believe Declan's fate will be determined (at least in part) by the Veterinarian that sees him. And no, I don't think they will be returning Declan to this foster home. @westcoastflea1 needs to be prepared for that. Feeding fantasies that she's not going to give this dog to Animal Control (or BRAT) won't help her.
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replied to elbrant on last edited byThis post is deleted!
replied to westcoastflea1 on last edited by
@westcoastflea1 said in Brat Rescue and Transport; How they really treat rescues:
Yet the arguments here over everything but Declan's well being.
You are the one that is supposed to be concerned about Declan's well being. You, as the "Foster Mom", and BRAT, as the rightful owner. And right now you and BRAT are at odds... it's like Mom and Dad are fighting and you are putting all of us in the middle of it.
I'm sure BRAT has a photo of this dog. Declan has been seen by Veterinarians and they may have his picture in their files as well. And Declan is probably microchipped. So, yes, expect that they can identify him.
I consider it unlikely, but not impossible, that Animal Control would be taking Declan for a 7pm Vet visit. That doesn't mean that they wouldn't transport him then. They can transport him pretty much any time it's convenient for them. If they haven't picked him up yet, please be preparred for it.
This will be much easier for Declan if you pick him up and place him in the carrier yourself. As opposed to an Animal Control officer doing it. Yelling and screaming and raising a fuss will only confuse and upset him. It won't stop them from doing their jobs. Please choose to make this as easy on Declan as you can.
replied to DebraDownSouth on last edited by westcoastflea1This post is deleted!
replied to Dagodingo on last edited by westcoastflea1This post is deleted!
replied to elbrant on last edited byThis post is deleted!
replied to elbrant on last edited by westcoastflea1This post is deleted!
replied to elbrant on last edited by westcoastflea1This post is deleted!
replied to elbrant on last edited by westcoastflea1This post is deleted!
@elbrant Ignore her, she is attacking you also. The more she posts, the more she incriminates herself. It is up to the authorities to deal with her. I have archived her posts, including the deleted ones. This thread will be removed in due time.
replied to westcoastflea1 on last edited by
@westcoastflea1 said in Brat Rescue and Transport; How they really treat rescues:
Any vet who sees Declan and reads medical records will give Declan back. plain and simple, can't ignore facts and they are there.
Heather, didn't you say you got an email that none of the Veterinarians in your area will see Declan if he is still in your care?
- It is not up to the Veterinarian what happens to Declan after he is seen by them. They are only responsible for giving a thorough and honest health evaluation.
- You should not expect, or even hope, that Declan will come back to you.
- If you want to keep Declan, sign the release paperwork for BRAT and put this nightmare behind you.
@elbrant It’s at the point where anyone who reads can figure out what’s actually going on and see the false claims, she is just digging a bigger and bigger hole for herself.
Take this little snippet. “if the vet wanted a certain dose she should have made it clear, but no dose on scripts, no dose given to pharmacist. I ordered what I needed, when I wanted it, and the quantities I wanted.
Medical records make it clear dose and drug was concerning her greatly.
Not great notes either. Nothing like my last vetHow do you comply with something that does not exist? if she wanted a certain dose it should have been on the bottle and the script, it was not.”
Curious, the vet and pharmacist must not know the law and violated the law.
Ҥ13794. Labeling of prescriptions
Every drug dispensed pursuant to prescription, whether for a legend drug or not, must carry on the label the following information: the prescription number; the date of filling; the patient's name; directions for use; the name and strength of the drug and the amount dispensed, including either the brand name of the drug” -
replied to elbrant on last edited by westcoastflea1This post is deleted!