Looking for West Coast Breeder

  • Thank you both for your input as I would not have known. I will definitely try calling. I have just sent you an email, sinbaje.

    I guess I would also be willing to go as far as Washington/Oregon, but I'd prefer neighboring states just to keep the drive time down.

  • May i suggest the Basenji Nationals in Arizona,this november. You are bound to meet many owners and breeders

  • My breeder is in Seattle, her name is Rita Webb and I have had 4 of her dogs. I can’t say enough about how happy I am with them. Her kennel is No Ka Oi basenjis and she can be found on Facebook if you would like to see her dogs, litters and contact her. Good luck! It can be really tough to find a good breeder!

  • I don't have a dog in this race, but Pat Fragrassi from Tanza, has been a reliable person and breeder. I would recommend her.

  • @redial Thank you Len, we have not decided to breed yet this coming season still health testing at this point

  • Like the OP I am in a very similar spot (in Las Vegas as well) looking for a West Coast breeder.

    I can across Basenji Dogs Anza, CA on the akc site that is taking deposits for a winter litter. I haven’t paid the deposit but have been communicating back and for via email. Wondering if anyone has any experience with them or if I should be wary and look into some of the other breeders mentioned on this topic? Their site is basenjdogs.dog.

    Would appreciate any feedback!

  • @difrancc - Breeders full name? Registered names of their Basenjis?

  • @tanza

    Oddly enough that information hasn’t been clear. I’m new to purchasing from a breeders. I found them through the AKC breeder puppies listing and their site seemed fairly legit other then the large upfront deposit “guaranteeing” me a puppy for this winter . As I’ve started to ask more questions and review their contract some things don’t seem quite right.

    I reached out to get the information you mentioned including asking for some references and they gave me a vague reply that I could come

    There was a lot of helpful information in this thread and I’ve started to reach out to a couple other breeders based on what is listed on basenji.org. If anyone else has some contacts that they would like to share of reputable breeders out west please let me know. Thanks!

  • @difrancc - Here is a link to "vet" a breeder....http://deckerratterrier.nrta.com/index.shtml

  • Just as an FYI, Brushy Run is not breeding and SkiHi is going to require some perseverance. The principle there is Laurie Stargell. She's the chairperson of the Biochem and Molecular Biology Department at Colorado State University so she isn't going to have a lot of free time to respond to inquiries. So keep trying. I'd get a pup from her in a heartbeat. (Not saying her program is any better than some others, and I have no idea if she's planning for a litter this year, I'm just more familiar with hers).

    Also, the Basenji Nationals are in Tucson this year. That would be a great place to meet breeders, and I suspect those that attend are more responsible than average. You might find it fun to attend and It's a great networking opportunity (for example I think Laurie is a judge). Most responsible breeders are committed to placing their dogs in the best homes possible, and nothing beats meeting someone in person, from both sides.

  • Thank you everyone for your input, I actually ended up getting a slightly older but also more trained puppy out of the blue from the Basenji Sisters! She was going to be a show pup like her accomplished mom and dad, but a 12 yr old Basenji was returned because the couple's kids left the nest and they didn't want it anymore ☹️ and they also had 2 puppies they held onto from a previous litter so they didn't quite have the room for that many dogs.

    So the sisters asked if I would like to take this pup home because they were aware that I was looking for a brindle girl and I told them I'd decide after I meet them and the pup. They already crate trained, microchipped, named her, and had all her shots up to date. I also double checked her parents' test results on OFA as they were listed on the contract but I wanted to be sure. Everything was perfect.

    And of course when we met her, we knew it was meant to be. She kept coming up to me and just laying her head in my lap. The ladies were also great and a joy to meet. Very informative and sent us home with a couple packets of information/documentation. Probably all the info you could ever want and then more info specific to the pup. My husband has never even seen a Basenji in real life, so he really appreciated and enjoyed all the info they gave us.

    This is Ayana! We got her last month and she just turned 5 months old yesterday 🥰 She is an absolute sweetheart, eats like a pig, ridiculously well behaved, and a big strong girl (16-17" at withers and almost 21lbs!!). Nothing like my first Basenji girl. She is also doing great with our 4 yr old cat.


    As an example, when we brought her to the vet for a check up, rabies shot, and heartworm test so we could get her heartworm prescription, she just sat still on the exam table and even the scale while her nose went crazy. When she was being handled for her blood draw, temperature, and injection, she didn't snap, growl, yelp, or anything. Everyone at the vet said they've never met a sweeter Basenji. At home, she sticks to her many toys and has no interest in anything else, really. And she has been stellar with housebreaking and obedience. We could not have dreamed of a better pup and because puppies will be puppies, I was fully prepared for the worst!

    The sisters will still be having a litter later this year I believe, if someone is looking. I am not sure about the details as I am no longer searching for a pup but they do require you begin by filling out the form on their site to see if you would be a good, suitable home for their pups. They will also be attending the Nationals, if you want to try and find them there! They are located in Southern California in Reseda, are very reasonably priced, and super sweet and knowledgeable.

  • @sapereaude - Congrats... good choice!

  • @tanza Thank you!! And also thank you again @sinbaje for the recommendations.

    I'm super thankful. Out of curiosity, is 16/17" and about 21 lbs on the large side for a 5 month old female?? I was not expecting her to be this big already but I have also read that pups tend to tighten up closer to a year?

  • @sapereaude - Some grow faster than others... It is not out of the norm for her to be that height or weight.

  • Congratulations-- she is beautiful! My brindle girl's grandmother came from the Basenji Sisters. She was also a brindle.

    And if anyone else is looking for advice on this thread, I would steer clear of Mountain Springs. There is a lot of Fanconi in their lines. As Tanza noted, they don't health test. 😞

  • Congrats!! You made a great choice! My first boy was out of one of their dogs and he was the best ❤

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