• My Jojo will chase them only if they are in the fenced in part of her backyard…but one time she did see one outside of the fence (we have a chain link one and she is not a climber) and she stalked it...if they are in the yard she will chase them up a tree and look up and circle the tree and whine until the squirrel jumps from tree to tree top and makes it out of the yard to safety...she is funny to watch!!!

  • I feed our backyard birds and along comes the squirrels. It's great exercise for Talker who will run back and forth trying to catch them as they run along the wall. He caught one once and brought it inside. I don't know how he did it, but it was a shock to find it on the couch when I got home from work.

    That was about 2 years ago and he's still trying.
    This is him stalking the squirrel when it was on the ground:

    This is him trying to jump up at it. Its good exercise, but its probably a lot of frustration for him.


  • I have 3 floor to ceiling windows in my bedroom. The squirrels like to play on the tree outside. Goober and the cat (willy) will chase them from window to window.

  • I used to have a 1/2 acre yard in the woods. Beta (my rescue) needed a lot more exercise than Caesar to calm her nerves. She lived for squirrells… Caesar would chase them from time to time, but Beta would stand up on a tree and try to catch them.

    One day I came home and there was a dead squirrell in the yard. Its arm was missing! I am 100% sure that Beta ate it and was reverting to her wild instincts. Amazing.

    Caesar has lived with 4 cats and never tags them with any mouthing during play. Beta, well she posessed a raw wild side that could be seen when she was hunting those pesky squirrells.

  • The squirrels by my house are exactly the same. They sit on the fence or in the tree just out of Corky's reach and yack at him and his brother. One of these days one of them is going to get caught!

  • @tasha:

    The squirrels by my house are exactly the same. They sit on the fence or in the tree just out of Corky's reach and yack at him and his brother. One of these days one of them is going to get caught!

    Those pesky chirping squirrels do ask for it, the way they tease Duke. Did I mention the time last fall I found a squirrel tail on my driveway? Well . . . in January, when we were planning on getting another puppy (Daisy) from the BCOSW, the member who came for a home visit pointed out the squirrel minus it's tail running up a tree in our back yard when we let Duke outside! Gee - I wonder who done it?? :eek:

  • @Duke:

    Those pesky chirping squirrels do ask for it, the way they tease Duke. Did I mention the time last fall I found a squirrel tail on my driveway? Well . . . in January, when we were planning on getting another puppy (Daisy) from the BCOSW, the member who came for a home visit pointed out the squirrel minus it's tail running up a tree in our back yard when we let Duke outside! Gee - I wonder who done it?? :eek:

    LOL!!! Gee I wonder. hehe 😃

  • this could be good reasoning to stay away from a raw diet, LOL!!

  • Abby actually chased one down and had it pinned in the corner of her fence, there was the squirrel in the corner Abby right in front of it, my mixed breed Missy on one side of Abby and my cat FatFat on the other side. That squirrel was terrified, then my husband and sons chased the animals away so the squirrel cold run off.

  • Maggii in her younger days plucked 3 out of our apple tree… they would run down teasing her... she would just wait at the bottom for them to get bolder and bolder and then... wham.... she went up the tree after them and that was the end of that.....
    She also would lay under the tree branch were the squirrels would be taking a nap just waiting for them to fall.....

  • I wrote a song about their adventures here-

    The little bumble bee noises are the dog's voice through a flanger.

    Our male catches them then gets all bit up by the squirrel, coverd in his own blood. They tease our dogs to no end.

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