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Self-imposed diet - a large safety pin !

Behavioral Issues
  • Yep, he did. I had pinned the lining back into an oven glove so it wouldn't come out in the wash. Hoover stole and shredded the glove, Keepurr ran off with a section of fabric and the pin. I ran all around the (large) garden but no sign of him. Eventually he came for TRADE ! and dropped the pin and fabric. Hoover picked it up, again TRADE worked and she dropped it. But this time Keepurr was not going to be fooled, I couldn't move quick enough and he swallowed the lot Chewing as he did so.

    I fed him three slices of bread (to cushion the pin) and called the Vet. The bread, while being a sound move, would also block an endoscopy but he said it might well come out in (of) the end within two or three days, if not, bring him in for X-ray.

    I followed him around for a couple of days. He ate, drank, defecated completely normally and I wondered if I'd missed something. Eyes were bright, gums the right colour, fur felt good, but I needed to be on the safe side so Thursday - to the Vet he went.

    X-ray revealed the pin, bent and open. Keepurr was admitted immediately for surgery. Because it was bent and open the pin hadn't moved out of the stomach and when he went in, the Vet found the fabric had spiralled itself around the point of the pin and was protecting the stomach from perforation.

    Keepurr came home that night on liquid diet and then low residue soft food, tiny meals several times a day because he has a 5 inch long incision in his stomach. He is bright, alert, and starving hungry.

    The Vet warned me he might have diarrhoea and to a small extent, he did the first night.

    But - and this is my problem (!) - how to clean his rear end ? I have tried with canine medicated shampoo, but he is unhappy about standing still and the area is pretty caked with dried faeces in the fur. I got some out this morning, accompanied by growling but I can't pick him up cos of the stitches (more growling !). It is going to have to be cleaned before he gets to come into the lounge to watch TV in the evenings.

    Several years ago, when Keepurr ate a fleece-lined leather glove, the same Vet removed it and at the time I suggested he put in a zip-fastener.

  • When Chakka had her Anal glands removed there was a large wound with stitches at her butt.
    We had to wash it 3 times a day.
    I stuck her in the kitchen sink and ran warm water over her anus. With a soft cloth I wet and patted it to get all the poop and crusty blood off. She was fed treats as she stood there.
    Thick baby wipes work well too...unscented

  • thanks for that ! I can't pick him up - hip surgery on Friday - but he loves Melissa and she might be able to come and help. I will text her right now.

    I need to get him up on a table and close to a tap. Keeps is too big to fit in my sink. The GOOD news is that he actually defecated normally this evening - after 2.5 days of low residue diet.

    I do love that old dog. Once he is clean he can come back into the lounge and watch the tennis with me !!

  • @zande My Dog who passed at the age of 16 4 years ago this Month ate EVERYTHING! With the help of my Cat who taught her how to jump on the bed and go up and down the stairs they would get my Bedroom Closet open and pull down my Skirts and Matching Jackets. These were the suits I would wear when I was a Prosecutor in New York City. They were all Pendleton so they cost a lot of money. I then used a Grab Strap from one of my Horses Saddles which I didn't use anyway. She would chew on the Telephone Cords while I was on the phone! If you can somehow learn to live Defensively as you would with a child then you will be Golden!

    The Breed is incredibly house destructive which I knew when I got my dog. I brought her home when she was 12 weeks old but visited her every day. She shrieked the entire way home and both of us were so stressed that I put her in the Bed with me so I could take a nap. She slept with me for her entire life and not even my ex-husband minded.

    If you can survive the first year of puppyhood then you will have an incredibly Loyal and protective Dog. I have a weakness for the Hounds. My first dog which I got when I was 7 was a Beagle. I am now dogless because I have to research her Pedigree at the AKC and try to find a relative, I miss her every day! Antigone

  • Might vaseline work? Make sure the neighbours aren't watching :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

  • Good luck to Keepurr, the Basenji seems to have a charmed life, at avoiding things which would normally be a curse for others.

  • Really sorry this happened. Do you have a tub or large sink with a spray nozzle. You might be able to just wash the area using water pressure if the water temperature is right. Shouldn't have to blast it. A gentle stream and a bit of time would hopefully do the trick.

  • Our Samoyed is a surgery waiting to happen. He will eat anything. We spend the day getting stuff out of his mouth. I used to do swapping, but then he just got MORE things to swap.

  • @antigone said in Self-imposed diet - a large safety pin !:

    I am now dogless because I have to research her Pedigree at the AKC and try to find a relative,

    How about researching her relatives on my pedigrees on-line database. Its free and if there is something you can't find - just ask me ! If she is not there - and many pets do slip below the radar - email me any information you do have - reg#, date of birth, parents, breeder, and I will do the digging so she IS included.

    Thanks for the good wishes. Keepurr seems OK and I'll take him to the Vet tomorrow for a check. He is back on normal rations (MY idea of normal, not his !)

    I don't tolerate destructiveness on the theory that I'm bigger than they are and its MY house. Perhaps that is why Keepurr feels impelled to eat his finds ?

  • @donc said in Self-imposed diet - a large safety pin !:

    Do you have a tub or large sink with a spray nozzle.

    No, this is an old fashioned house, I daren't put him in the bath cos of getting his wound wet and until I get my new hip on Friday, I can't get down to it !

  • @zande said in Self-imposed diet - a large safety pin !:

    No, this is an old fashioned house, I daren't put him in the bath cos of getting his wound wet and until I get my new hip on Friday, I can't get down to it !

    Of course. Good luck with your hip replacement.

  • @zande - Good thing there was fabric around the point... my Kristii years ago had two surgeries... one for tumor on the liver, next one a few month later for something she ate... never could figure out what it was, but Vet suggested the same thing... a zipper! And at the same time there was a lab in for his 3rd surgery for something he ate, same suggestion... zipper... LOL

  • Basenjis are a (culinary) law unto themselves. Maybe someone should try to breed a zipper into puppies ?

    Phillip (vet) took photos of the X-rays on his phone and brought them out to the carpark for me to see when they first located the pin. When I went to his office yesterday I asked if he still had the shots and would he email them to me. He did - something for the family archive !

    Keepurr is healing nicely, and much faster than my bank balance will, but I am not taking him to the woods yet and he'll have to get used to making do with the garden until I can drive again.

  • @zande My Dog ate EVERYTHING! She chewed on the telephone line while I was talking! It was then I understood that you have to Basenji Proof your home as you would for a toddler! Since she enjoyed climbing Trees at the Horse Farm, one day she climbed too high and was afraid to get down. Not wanting to call the Fire Department to get my DOG out of a Tree I got a huge Draft Horse Blanket and we held it until she got really anxious and jumped off and landed unharmed. She never climbed that particular tree again.

    I figured the best way for her to be a good Canine/Lupine Citizen was for her to Pack with older Dogs. It is very stress-free for the Dog and its Steward. If she did something I did not like, I ignored her. These Dogs are such Pack animals and You being the Alpha ignoring them upsets them. I never raised my voice for all of the years I had her and I found that the next time I get a Basenji I will train it the same way.

    I made up this list of Tiggy Omnimedia as the Antidote to Martha Stewart. Things liked 'Chewed CDs make great Coasters', 'Bikini to thong conversion in 10 Minutes' and my fave was 'You did NOT need that!' I saved it and it is under the Cedar Box where her Remains are. Tomorrow, June 29th is the 4th Anniversary of her Death. People who knew her made Donations to Shelters and some sent Mass Cards (I am not sure which Religion she would have been because my late Father was Jewish and my Mom is a Catholic.) I also got Flowers and Sympathy Cards. My little Homewrecker was adored by a lot of people. Even the DENTIST and Her Vet sent sympathy Cards.

    So learn to live defensively because they cannot manage themselves and that is our job to protect them from themselves! More people should read about the Basenji which loosely translated from Congolese means 'Wild Thing'. Priceless!

  • @zande I have to find Her AKC Papers. The Breeder named her 'Mbera which means Piano. She was a lovely Tri color with a Bandit's Mask over her eyes. I saw her when she was 3 days old and since I took care of her Breeder's Horses when she went to the Belgian Congo which is now called The Democratic Republic of the Congo, I got the pick of the Litter.

    She was the only Tri and had a pink nose. I visited her a few times a week and let her stay with her Mother and siblings for 12 weeks because this gives them a chance to learn things from their Mother. She was always the first in this Wave of Puppies that would lay all over me and play with whatever body part they could get their teeth into! I would sit on the floor and laugh hysterically because there is NOTHING better for a true Basenji lover than to be stuck in that wave of Puppies!

    When I find her AKC Papers I will give the info to you. It is too depressing for me to do it myself. Since I lost her I have also lost 'Her' Cat and Wolf. I lost my 25-year-old Quarterhorse to EPM. I had him since he was 4 and still have not gotten over losing him or my Dog.

    I do want a Relative because even though it won't be the same as my Dog it may be close. Having survived Basenji Boot Camp I am 1000000% prepared!


  • @debradownsouth Those are very intelligent Dogs. They are beautiful but not too much like a Basenji. Dp you Breed both?

    Sometimes they are just 'playing' us to get our attention. I actually LOVE the Basenjis personality. Mine did not Yodel until she was 14 years old and I heard it and laughed myself silly. I said why have you been holding out on me for the last 14 years Antigone? She gave me her paw.

    I love all animals but I have a weakness for Hounds. My first Dog was a Beagle and I was 7 years old when I got him. He had a stroke when I was 23 years old. I went with my Mom to have him put to sleep. His remains are in my Mother's Closet with some Cats and at least 4 more Dogs. She is going to give his remains to me. She intends to be buried with ALL of the pets that are not in the Back Yard. We tell her she will need a double wide Casket to include all of the pets!

    If I had your Dog I would ask him to lay down and let him know the game is over because you are tired. He definitely sounds like a gorgeous walking Snowball!


  • @antigone said in Self-imposed diet - a large safety pin !:

    I have to find Her AKC Papers. The Breeder named her 'Mbera which means Piano.
    I have done a thorough search on my laptop (of the database which I thought to put onto it last night to have it in the hospital). She isn't there but if you say she has AKC reg# I will try there. If 'Mbera is the first word of her name I should find her. IF I can get to the AKC from here ! But I have different browsers on the desk & laptops. But I will definitely do the digging for you and her papers would giveme her parents.
    Typing isn't easy on my back in bed but the new hip is safely installed. I hope to be home no later than Monday

  • I am not sure if I spelled her name correctly but her Breeder was Cathy Baron in NJ. She no longer Breeds these Dogs and I had been trying for years to find her. I wanted another Puppy from her because even though my little Dog had no use for Canines she loved babies. Kittens and Puppies were okay with her.

    She was raised with Wolves and the Wolf is the Basenjis closest relation one may rightly say this 2k plus Dogs are the first dog in the history of Canines. It also explains why she adored the 2 Wolves I rescued from the Dog Pound were accepted by her immediately!

    I know where the Envelope with her Papers are but cannot get to them myself. One of my Senior Cats caused me to fall 3x in a week and I had an X-Ray and I fractured the First Vertebrate in my Spine. I will ask a friend to get them for me.


  • @antigone

    Basenjis are one of the earliest breeds, not the earliest. Well if they are, science hasn't proven it yet

    Oh no! Hope your back gets better soon. (EDITED, I put our.. Freudian slip I guess since mine hurts too.)

    I found this record:

    NYANGA REVEILLE REDBUD. HM 74812303. 11-19-97
    By Ch Reveille Boutonniere JC - Ch Blucrest Bound for Fame.
    Owner: Catherine Baron, Califon, NJ 07830. Breeder: Jon W Draud MD & Damara Bolte'.
    (Handler: Damara Bolte' PHA).

    In 1997:

    Since she owned a Damara Bolte dog, maybe you can contact her and find a dog with similar bloodlines.
    Virginia: Damara Bolte'
    Mentor Index

  • That is very helpful and will give me something to work on when I get out of hospital. Hopefully tomorrow but maybe not till Tuesday

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