Meet Jax, our basenji mystery mix

  • Oh dear spirits. That baby picture... if I squint really hard I could see maybe a little. Are you sure someone didn't swap you puppy for a basenji mix? Bahahaha cause the next 2, the basenji comes out... including resting on their natural habitat... the kitchen table. It might be worth doing the wisdom dog panel just to find out what else is in there. How much does Jax weigh?

  • I'll have to double check his weight. I think he's about 30lbs. He ls very solid, but he's very light-footed.
    I love his personality. The way his curled tail wags in happiness is hilarious too

  • I see Basenji in him! That 2nd pic...even though it's sideways, look at how he's sitting ~ he's got the Basenji sit! And in the perfect place (as far as he's concerned). Jax ole' boy ~ you got lucky with your humans & of course, the humans got lucky with Jax! Like his name too! He looks like a whole lotta' love & cuteness!

  • Thank you!
    So the way he likes to get on chairs and tables is a basenji thing? And the princely sit- he always looks so regal- that's a basenji thing?
    Makes me wonder if his beautiful show-dog-walk is a basenji thing too.

  • @synchro246 said in Meet Jax, our basenji mystery mix:

    Thank you!
    So the way he likes to get on chairs and tables is a basenji thing? And the princely sit- he always looks so regal- that's a basenji thing?
    Makes me wonder if his beautiful show-dog-walk is a basenji thing too.

    Someone here posted a picture of their dog on the kitchen table with the title "The Basenji In Its Natural Habitat"

    Yeah, they like getting on things.

    @Nancy-Berry Click the picture and it opens in an upright position

  • @synchro246 I love the way a Basenji sits! They kind of leave one leg cocked out to the outer side. Sometimes, they kind of roll their bottom so they're sitting on their tail & have both legs stretched out in front of them, sort of like a human sits!! Yes ~ lol ~ it's so funny the first time you see it, you'll let out a good belly laugh & your b will look at you like "What? Haven't you ever seen a b sit & relax before?" Some lay upside down with their head hanging off the sofa! They do love to surprise you with more antics than you'd think is capable of a "dog"... but, a Basenji isn't your run of the mill, average dog! They don't think they're dogs & a lot of them like to sit up in high places, like the back of the sofa!

  • @DebraDownSouth Thanks for the "click on the pic" trick! It works great & it's sure easier on your neck!!

  • Lol that's funny!
    Jax lays like you describe all the time.
    And I notice if he doesn't sit with a leg cocked to one side his little bum doesn't touch the ground; something I also find adorable.
    I had no idea. I look forward to reading more about basenji "dogs" lol

  • @synchro246 I also love to watch them trot into the house....they remind me of a thoroughbred horse! They are just the best entertainers ever!!

  • @Nancy-Berry that is so funny I often described him as a horse and his smooth trot reminds me of a Tennessee Walking Horse

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