@annie said in Eating Disorder or Normal?:
That is call him Catfish
Ha! Damn you auto-correct.
Some good info on poop eating. I came to much the same conclusions working with our Binti. It was a combination of nutrition, supplements (vit. A, B, peat water, probiotics) and the right attention during walks. In the seasonal changes (especially summer-autumn and winter-spring) she needs more support for her immune system - she can start to eat poop again literally from one day to the next. Then I know it is time to supplement. http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2017/01/18/dog-eating-poop.aspx?utm_source=petsnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20170118Z2&et_cid=DM131216&et_rid=1846775050