I just bought my husband the Nelly Furtado CD and Zuri Barooooos to the song 'all good things come to an end' It is comical. She just stops whatever she is doing and Baroooooo it is. Otherwise she isn't too vocal which I enjoy since our last Pom mix was such a barker.
Love this breed for sooooo many reasons!!!
My Shelby is a mix so she barks but when she sees another dog, it's like she's talking or trying to sing. The sounds are incredible and I've never heard a dog do this. It's like ah-roooooo ah-roo, ah-rooooooo. So Funny! We say she talks alot because she's a girl.
Congrats, that must be great to hear! Nala is nearly silent, except for the occasional "BAROO", and there's no rhyme or reason for it. The only time we can guarantee one is if we leave her in the yard and head out without her for a walk. We can hear it from at least a half a mile away!
I know how excited you must be!!! WOW - finally a little vocal, huh? Hollie is a barrooooooer. We call it her "happy" noise. She does it when one of us comes home or when someone she really really likes comes to visit. She will also do it at the park or during playdates. A sign of a very happy Hollie!!!
Zahra makes this sound that reminds me of a chimp, I don't even know how to type the noise. She makes the noise when we are getting off the exit ramp to the dog park and as we get closer to the dog park. She also makes this noise when she hasn't seen my husband in a while.
Today I took them to Doggie Day Care put picked them up early, I was having a bad day and all I could hear was Zahra making these noises as they went back to get her and Chase from the yard. I can't explain to you guys how good that made me feel, I almost cried!
Capt. Jack has become more and more vocal thru the months! Now he baroos at LEAST once a day but usually way more…Sometimes my husband gets frustrated when Jack gets excited and baroos several LONG loud ones in a row and tells him to get quiet, but then the Alfa Female (ME) bites the Alfa Male (Hubby) because i LOVE LOVE it when Jack yodels and i want him to do it as much as possible,, on the other hand when he's outside and we leave, Jack cries (whines) for a bit, esp. if hes outside and we are in the other yard doing lawn work...he hates that he can see us but cant be next to us, hubby gets frustrated with the whining, so do i...he can get pretty loud. BUT its not too bad, He usually only does it for about 10 minutes and then settles down...I hope when the baby is FINALLY born (i was due on the 14th) That Jack doesnt Baroo and wake him lol...cant wait until that happens, Dh isnt going to be too happy, LOL...but Basenjis will be Basenjis!!! hahaa
Thats a good point, lol…probaby might be a conforting thing for the baby actually!! hehee
Our 4-yr old tri male, Buddy, is one of those silent B's that seem to have been born without vocal chords at all. However, we were astonished to hear him baroo a few weeks ago in response to our daughter's viola practicing. I think she's wearing out the viola bow trying to get him to baroo more frequently now:D
Kane yodeled all the time. Whenever he saw me he'd yodel, and sometimes he'd go right up to my grandpa, look him in the eye and say "barloooorOOOolrooOooroorlooo" (I know there were lots of "L"s in his yodel.)
And my grandpa would say something like "no swearing in this house young man!" -
Senji usually baroos when he's mad at me about something. Usually if I'm leaving to go out, I'll say "bye bye" to him and he'll baroo because he's mad that I'm leaving. He'll also baroo when I come back home, as if to say "how can you leave me?" He also has his happy baroo when other members of the family come over for a visit. And there's also the baroo when he hears the fire engine sirens.