• I am very sorry to hear this news. It's been a pleasure to read about him and share in a small way this wonderful boy. Such talent is rare, and I'm sure you will treasure your memories forever.

  • It saddens me greatly to read that Digital has passed. I am deeply sorry he is no longer with you and Zest! Sixteen years seems like a good long life, but compared to ours, so very short. My condolences and I am glad you have such a great legacy of his to carry along.

  • I'm so sorry to hear you have lost this amazing dog…but what wonderful memories he has left. {Huggzz} to you and Zest - and forgives Butu for eating the leather sofa....

  • First Basenji's

    So sorry for your loss. Keep the memories-some special guy! the passing is never easy….

  • thank you everyone for your kind words and thoughts. Digital was certainly my once-in-a-lifetime dog and I miss him every day, but I have been overwhelmed with the outpouring of sympathy.

  • I remember joining the forum and the first time I heard digitals name I wanted to name my future puppy digital…same with Zest!
    ..I'm a little obsessed with your unique name choices. Digital will always remind me of your digital...I hope for you that the days get easier

  • Thanks. Digital came with his name. At 10 months he knew it, so we just kept it. It was actually a great name choice as there wasn't anyone else around who had that name (either in basenji circles or agility circles) and everyone could pronounce it. (Which is important as they call out the order of names in the agility classes.) Digital's breeder's son-in-law was a soccer fan and there was a player named Digital Takawara (probably misspelled that!) who they named my dog after.

    The try-ing's name is Jet. sort of boring. His registered name is "Jerlin's Saint or Sinner". The breeder was calling him Saint, but I couldn't call him that and wasn't about to call a basenji Sinner. I wanted to call him Jude as St Jude is the patron saint of lost causes, but it was DH's call as it was his dog.

    I named Zest! There's an Iggy Pop song called Lust for Life. Many, many years ago when I first heard that song, I thought the lyrics were Zest for Life. And so that's my first thought whenever I hear that song. A short time before I got Zest, I started my car and that song came on and I thought "I want an agility dog named ZEST!" So she was named after a song that never even uses her name.

    The malinois in the house both came with their names. Mucha (RIP, was named after Alphonse Mucha) and Pearl - kind of a common name but once I figured out it was short for Pearl-petual Motion, it fit.

  • Just came back on to the Forum after a longish absence. I was so sorry to hear about Digital.

    What a wonderful boy! And you were lucky to have found one another. It's so hard to lose them; we never have them long enough. Trite, but time does help with the pain, someday you'll be able to think of him without tearing up every time!


  • Sorry for your loss 😞

  • Just seeing this, not sure how I missed it but I am so sorry. Yes, blessed with nearly 16 yrs… but that's more years to leave a bigger hole in your heart.

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