We go to a dog park where a trainer goes to work with his GS and his Malinois - except that the Malinois looks a little more furry than yours, the shape and color of your dog very much resembles his. As an aside, he says his Malinois was very easy to train. (makes me embarrassed to even try to get my girls to "come" in his presence.:rolleyes:)
"Ice, Ice, Oh I Love Ice"
Pilot was a little over 2 months old when this video was shot.
What a fun game!
Sooo cute, Kaiser likes his ice cubes in summer, doesn't play with them as much now just crunches them up, also loves hail runs to the door and when we open it he pops his head out and bites in the air catching them then licks them all off the floor.
Jolanda and Kaiser