• Meet Vito my new boy

    After time thinking and searching and watching and waiting i get these nice boy.

    His parents are OFFA tested, she is a mexican champion and the dad is a usa champ.

    He is a carrier, so wont share his genes so easily. He is already 13 months old.

    I alredy have 2 girls, who are doing fine both living on the same house. Now i hope these boy will fix the pack.

  • Lovely boy, I really do like Tri's, their markings are so beautiful. Good luck with your new addition to your pack.

    Jolanda and Kaiser

  • Welcome… what is the breeding?... many of us are related by our Basenjis

  • Cute name!

  • Thanks everybody

    He is very nice

    His name is Rosendo (Gomez) born on M?xico, his mom is Across Little Summer from Argentina (Kazors line)
    and his dad is Rafiki The Icon of Cool "Blade" i think is well known on USA.

    Both parents and himself are on OFFA one of my girls is clear, Hungana Vorobieva "Maca" and the other Langwasi Vorobieva "Laika" is fanconi affected 😞 already fixed.

    The breeder of Vito is H?ctor G?mez a young and responsible breeder.

    Is hard to find a nice basenji here on M?xico, sadly he has clear eyes for the rest has a nice head on my opinion.

    Has a sweet temper and is very active, smart, sttuborn and likes so much people.

  • i just found these link with the most well know breeders on M?xico http://www.fallohide.dk/basenjis_in_mexico.htm

    hard to say that the only one that makes fanconi test is H?ctor G?mez, some owners like Alejandro Soto registered and tested his bich thanks to the info and support by Sally Wallis and my stuborn insistence..

    Already Francisco Devora imported 2 dogs from Brazil from Savio Stele but even him dont test for fanconi, i think with the new doggies he will make test or better wont need because to avoid that will breed only clears, but the past litters who knows?

    The test was doing for the owners directly, some owners make the test so thats super nice.

    One ask me Vito to breed with her bitch but both are carriers so forget it, thats why is nice to get the test done.

    There are other breeders but they dont get dogs registered and dont want to know anything about fanconi test.. some backyard breeders

    there are people for everything..

    Some owners give updates to Sally Wallys, she is so kind making that database! sadly not everyone understand the importance of send info to her.

    so here on Mexico we have responsible breeders and responsible owners and others not so much, old history.

    saludos from Mexico πŸ™‚

  • Your pup's sire is a 1/2 brother (same Mother) to my Franie! So welcome to the Family. My C-Me comes from the Kazor side on her Sire's Dam's side, so welcome to the family

  • thanks! welcome to the mexican family too πŸ™‚

  • Glad this info was sent to Sally Wallis - to be put into the database - saw some dogs in that line that I hadn't heard of before. Cool!

    I didn't think Across Little Summer would come up in there, but I was wrong πŸ™‚ Someone's doing some good work.

  • Yes, Sally Wallys is making a wonderful and big job.

  • More pictures of Vito πŸ™‚

    Eating raw bones

  • First Basenji's

    He is really Guapo! love the Tri! Wish I knew of Uzie's bloodline, the owner kept putting off getting me the the breeder/AKC information. Oh well, he is negative for Fanconi and has blossomed in his personality. He was a mess when I got him, under socialized and very scared of everything and everybody. 3 years later he goes up to anyone, does his tricks in public, and is a good ambassador to any new dog that comes to daycare or training!

  • wow! Uzie speaks volumes about how good are you with him πŸ™‚

    Vito has a sweet temper, amazing thing considering that a masting bite and broke his jaw when he was a puppy, now he is healed from that but get a little bend on the jaw but eats and has a good bite.

    I had a question about him, i brush well my brother brush him and get a ton of fur i brush my girls and get nothing.. seems like he has double or strong fur.. and is not like hers.

    im wondering what kind of fur basenjis has? double coated is possible?

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