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So MUCH pee!

Basenji Training
  • How can one 12 lb puppy make so much pee?

    The real question I have is not so much about quantity, but – style?

    None of my female dogs did this, and it's been 17 yrs since my last male puppy and I don't remember anything about his puppyhood, so maybe it's a male thing?

    When Keoki pees outside, he stands and pees in one spot. Great -- gets praise and a treat.
    When Keoki pees INside, he leaves a trail. . . a long, long trail. :eek: The last one, a few minutes ago went from in my laundry room, through the kitchen, into the {carpeted} hall. I bet it was a 10 foot long trail of pee. And not just droplets, but a solid trail with two puddles. He leaves theses trails every time he pees in the house.:(

    Is that normal? :confused:

    Not only is it a pain to clean up, but it's really getting annoying, and dh -- who we affectionately call Felix Unger --- is really getting fed up :mad: .

  • I have never had a B-boy to that… however in your other post you note that Jazzy is in season?... the can and will change behaviors in males even as young as Keoki.... Has he always done this? Or is this maybe something new with the bitch in season....?

  • Hmmmm, good question. We've only had him a little over a week,but yes…. it has been mostly the last few days that he's been 'trailing" everywhere.

    Definitely a thought.

  • Well, IMO, this could be a reaction to your girl being in season… while he is still quite young... the odor that she gives off could be a reason... That is about the only thing that I can think of ...... do you notice when he is outside, does he look for or find her pee?....
    Sometimes males will "walk" and pee as puppies... mostly cause they are not really even thinking about what they are doing... but honestly, I have had more problems with bitches leaving a trail....

  • Yes, he does always find her pee, so you may very well be on the right track here. Annoying, but at least it makes some sense of things for me.

  • FYI Champ is 1 year old and fixed but when I take him out for his walks he sometimes does this as well. He starts peeing and then starts walking away as he continues peeing, and yes it's a whole lotta pee.

  • Okay. Now I need help. Keoki is still peeing in the house, every day, some days multiple times and often just after he's already gone potty.
    He is still making those long trails of pee all the way across whatever room he is in.

    I have been unable to confine him to a smaller space simply because he manages to climb every barrier I use and I don't have the extra cash to go buy more – I'd already bought what I though would suffice. He does have access, then, to the living room, dining room, office, and kitchen. He pees in all rooms, often from one to the other.

    Other than keeping him in his kennel for a week and only letting him out to potty -- which would be really hard with the entire family here all day,and him SCREAMING the way he does for hours on end when he is kenneled alone, and I'm not sure I could take it -- I don't know what to do.

    We take him out every 40 minutes or so ; we always make sure he has just peed before bringing him back in. He gets treats and praise for going potty outside.
    He doesn't appear to "trail" outside; he stands in one spot and pees, so this "trailing" is just indoors. I'm ready to put a diaper on him and give up.

    Otherwise, he is an awesome puppy and we have no other problems with him, other than normal puppy stuff like trying to steal our food, LOL. He is smart and learns other things really quickly -- like responding to the clicker; he had that down in about three clicks. Now he'll stop doing anything when he hears it and come sit by me.

    I have hung bells by the back door, but am not sure exactly how to teach him to bump them to let me know he wants out.

    Words of wisdom? I am soooooooooooooooo tired of stepping in and cleaning up pee~! I've never had a dog this hard to house train before.
    Oh -- he is 4 mos old.

  • I should add – at 4 mos I don't expect him to be accident free. But daily, multiple pees, sometimes in fairly rapid succession? I have a problem with.

  • Has he been checked for a UTI? That does seem like a lot of pee for his age. Though Ariel was doing the same thing about a month ago, and now she rarely has an accident in the house.

    I am guessing that he doesn't know when he has to go yet, so the bells won't help all that much.

    But to train him to use them, you start by putting a little dab of PB, or a treat on them, and when he bumps them, click/treat. After a couple times don't put the PB on, just click/treat when he bumps them. Then after a few times of that, c/t and open door when he rings. After a couple days of that, just open door. If you have to, you can open door and throw treat out so he goes thru. It takes me about ten minutes to train a puppy to ring the bells, but it is hard to explain in writing…the feeling of when to move up to the next criteria. But the general rule is once you feel he "has it" move up to the next criteria. hope that helps....

  • Okay, I'll give that a try…tomorrow. Today we'll have a house ful of kids running in and out and it'll be too hectic.

    No, he hasn't been checked for UTI. I suppose I should do that. He's so active and happy, I guess any kind of infection just didn't cross my mind. I would have expected behavioral changes, too.

  • @JazzysMom:

    Okay, I'll give that a try…tomorrow. Today we'll have a house ful of kids running in and out and it'll be too hectic.

    No, he hasn't been checked for UTI. I suppose I should do that. He's so active and happy, I guess any kind of infection just didn't cross my mind. I would have expected behavioral changes, too.

    It probably isn't at UTI…at this age that is more common in girl puppies. But with unexplained urination, it is usually the first thing to check. And, no...often you don't see any behavioral changes until they are QUITE ill. The first symptom is inablitlity to hold urine.

    But again, this is most likely just him, and his pace at house training. I remember thinking a month ago "is this puppy EVER going to be house trained?" and then suddenly she stopped peeing in the house :) She still will occasionally go in her crate. And occasionally she will dribble when she wakes up, but she can stop the flow, and we get her outside to finish. She is about a month older than Keoki, I think.

  • I remember when my Fatia was a puppy, when she was teething, she totally forgot what housetraining was… and that lasted about 2/3 wks, she peed everyplace!

  • Sigh. Okay. I'll hang in there. Thank God my floors are hardwood and tile {except the office}. Easy clean-up.

    DH is in San Diego for two weeks, and it'll be great if Keoki can catch on to this while Daddy is away. We joke that Dh is "Felix Unger", so this pee all over the floor is really hard for him to take. LOL But he grits his teeth and bears it.

  • @JazzysMom:

    We take him out every 40 minutes or so ; we always make sure he has just peed before bringing him back in. He gets treats and praise for going potty outside.
    He doesn't appear to "trail" outside; he stands in one spot and pees, so this "trailing" is just indoors. I'm ready to put a diaper on him and give up

    OMG! I'm still having problems with Daisy! (almost 5 mos) She goes out after nap, play, eating, every 40 minutes or so. I/we take her out around the yard and perimeter spending plenty of time and opportunity for her to do her business when sometimes she does nothing - UNTIL - she gets in the house - and she is sneaky - because she will do it when our heads are turned! She's quick! We've even put her on the 30 ft. cable and let her run for about 30 mins a few times a day if she hasn't done it with the walk. I am at my wits end about this and my carpet. My entire house is hardwood except the FR which is where she goes! Geesh - I'm also tired of paying for so much paper towel and Nature's Miracle. I keep thinking positive thoughts . . . "It will be any time soon when she's completely trained."

    Duke was much easier to train b/c he'd always pee when we were looking and we could catch him to teach him outside. I'm so glad you brought this up. Andrea, thanks for explaining how to train using bells. I thought last week, to go and get some at the craft store, but wasn't sure how to train with them.

  • So, we're in it together, Jill. LOL And I'm with you on the paper towels thing! I buy the big ones in the huge pack from Costco and it seems like I'm buying a pack every two weeks, but still having to grab a smaller pack from the grocery store before the two weeks is quite up! {Doesn't help that the kids get carried away with the number of paper towels used per accident. Everyone is afraid of touching the pee. }

    The frustrating thing with Keoki is that we NEVER let him back in the house until we SEE him pee, and give praise. Then the little sh*t will come in and pee again within five minutes….sometimes. I just can't see a pattern.

    Twice today he peed, just as I was saying, "I'm gonna run Keoki out". Argh, so close!! I am SO DESPERATELY hoping the bells thing works!

  • @JazzysMom:

    And I'm with you on the paper towels thing! I buy the big ones in the huge pack from Costco and it seems like I'm buying a pack every two weeks, but still having to grab a smaller pack from the grocery store before the two weeks is quite up! {Doesn't help that the kids get carried away with the number of paper towels used per accident. Everyone is afraid of touching the pee.

    Same here - Costco's brand is wonderful - but still I'm sick of having to go thru so much. My son is extremely sensitive to pee on anything (yuck!) so he grabs the whole roll too! :D Whatever, as long as he's helpful. He is also quick to grab the bottle of Nature's Miracle without asking.


    The frustrating thing with Keoki is that we NEVER let him back in the house until we SEE him pee, and give praise. Then the little sh*t will come in and pee again within five minutes….sometimes. I just can't see a pattern.

    Twice today he peed, just as I was saying, "I'm gonna run Keoki out". Argh, so close!! I am SO DESPERATELY hoping the bells thing works!

    Yes, it's SO frustrating. Our situations are so similar. I hope the bells thing works too. Tomorrow morning I'll go buy them and try Andrea's method. I can't wait to close this chapter. If they weren't so darn cute . . . :(

  • Keep in mind that the bells won't work until the dog KNOWS they have to go potty. They might not be there yet…Ariel is just barely there...she still forgets about 25% of the time. Of course it doesn't hurt to train them to ring the bells now, so that when they do mature to the point they know when they need to go out, they are ready to tell you.

    I feel your pain...Ariel just peed on the couch a few hours ago :(

  • @Quercus:

    I feel your pain…Ariel just peed on the couch a few hours ago :(

    Uhhh! Thanks! I feel your pain too. I'll start training her on the bells - not expecting a miracle. Thanks!

  • Thank goodness I have a doggy door….. in fact, 2 doggy doors, love it when they run out one and back in the other!!!

  • OUr back door is a sliding door and dh doesn't care for the sliding glass dog doors. And frankly, they make me uncomfortable where we live – next to woods w/raccoons in the yard, in broad daylight -- walking up the driveway while the kids are shooting hoops out there!!! . At our old place we had a dog door and had a stray cat that used to come in all the time at night, LOL. I'm afraid the raccoons would come in through a doggy door here.

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