Happy Birthday both!
Binti's birthday
Binti, our couch potato / bird chaser / turbo runner turns 4 today.
Life without her wouldn't be the same.
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/-J8U7MKsHBdLCjy8se1v_Qrx3DaAloD3T41PTqIxer4?feat=directlink -
Happy birthday Binti!
I don't think life is ever the same once you have a Basenji.
Happy birthday Binti!!
Happy Birthday Binti and may you have many more. Can't believe Kaiser will be 2 this July, boy time flies.
Jolanda and Kaiser
Happy Birthday Binti! May you always be as comfortable as you look in the picture!
Happy birthday! What a wonderful pictureโฆ all tuckered out from a good day I hope!