• So, Lion and Tigger turned 13 today.

    Lion has had cancer since the fall of 2009. Been keeping it at bay pretty well until the last few months or so, but the treatments are no really that effective (though the lymph nodes that are slow growing) this year, there were a couple of times, between the corticosteroids wasting her muscle, to the corneal ulcer that thankfully responded to treatment that we thought we were days away from the end, but she always bounced back and is in really good shape again now. You would never know she was sick and she can still run around, play and wag that little curly tail. We will keep going until she can't.

    Tigger is, comparatively great. He had a few seizures a couple years ago, but K Bro is working great for him. He is so different than Lion, more of a bull in a china shop compared to her grace around the house. While they have their fair share of sibling issues, they still hang together, especially against the "puppy", Roo. Often, when Tigger is playing with her, Lion will sometimes come in to defend her brother from the "vicious" play fighting. It is quite a hoot to see the three way attacking going on, nearly silently of course.

    A few shots. Sorry, if I have posted some before.

    From about 5 years ago. Lion on left and TIgger on rIght. Roo in the middle.

    Maybe 8 years ago

    About the same time

    Tigger doing one of his favorite things, watching TV.

    This is the Breed All About it on Basenjis. Hearing them baroo really freaks him out, he would try to run up the stairs behind the TV to see if they were back there. Turns out one of the dogs in this, from NYC, is one of Roo's grandparents.

    Toy Story. Fun for Basenjis too

    Lion loves to get up on the backs of chairs. She used to always get up behind me on this one when we had it. Thankfully she did not always rest on my head, though she loves to get up close to me.

  • A very Happy Birthday to Lion and Tigger ,they have done well especially Lion, what a strong girl she is. Enjoy the golden years with your B's.

    Jolanda and Kaiser

  • Happy Birthday to both your treasures. May they have many more. I had a wonderful girl I almost lost at 13 years old. She rallied and survived to almost 16. I hope your Lion does the same, or better!

  • Happy Birthday both!

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