• I've said before that we live on a small lake and Loki hasn't generally been too keen on going in it though he loves to go in the lake at the dog park. Well yesterday the ducks came by and we tossed out some food for them which brought them closer to the yard. And not only did Loki go in, but he actually began swimming after them! Even went out passed the dock, came back to where the grass is taller, hid and waited for them to come back before swimming after them again. He likes to go in water but has never really liked swimming out where he couldn't touch, but that wasn't a problem. He was so intent on getting those ducks. That prey drive has finally kicked in; it used to be that the ducks would be in the yard and he would go out, lay down and stare at them.

    Unfortunately I do not have any video or photos of his swimming event. As I was coming back outside after grabbing my phone to take some video I slipped and ended up breaking my ankle 😞

  • OMG Tana, I'm so sorry about your ankle! How will you chase after Loki now???
    Love the story about him chasing the ducks and swimming after them, he is such a great little guy.
    Take care of that ankle, keep it elevated when you can.

  • Great story, it's amazing what a prey drive can do. Sorry to hear about your ankle, ouch !

  • He went in again yesterday when my husband fed the ducks again. I, of course, was on the couch and didn't get the benefit of watching him swim after the ducks 😞

    Anne, Jeremy works nights 4 days a week. Though he sleeps during the day, if he walks Loki in the morning and again before he leaves for work, Loki will be pretty easy for me to handle during the evening and night. I just can't drive to take him to the dog park during the day as it's my right ankle, so that's a bummer. I was hoping to get over to Tampa again either this month or next, but now I'm not sure when we'll make it.

  • Glad you have a routine that allows you to stay off your feet! We were talking about you & Loki today, wishing Loki was there as Theo was so playful, he even got my 13 year old Eddie to play with him. Heck, he got everyone to play with him!
    Take care of yourself, maybe some of us can make it to FP Park, it looks great.

  • I hope your ankle is better soon so that you can watch Loki swimming again

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