Welcome to the forum. I am very sad to see a 3 mo old post just appearing. No idea if you are still checking in, but welcome and please know the old forum had been having major issues in not showing new posts-- it isn't that we aren't friendly.
New to the forum. Hi everyone.
My name is Susan…we have 2 four year old Basenjis....Our little girl is Divot and our boy Driver...and now 2 pups Nandi and Dimple. Boy is my house busy. but 8 wouldn't have it any other way.
Hi Susan… and welcome! You have four Bs? Wow! Bet you are busy.
Do I take it you bred your 2 older ones? What is their full name, testing, titles?
We love pictures.
I can barely manage 1 crazy B, I have no idea how you can manage 4!