@rgk9ruler My B detested her Crate unless we were in the car going someplace. They must get into the Crate for Vets, etc. Give them something to chew on and put the Crate so they can see you. Practice taking short trips so they will get used to it. These Dogs are so curious that they like new things! It worked for my Dog because I always want all of my Animals to be safe! :)
Hi to you, tell us a bit about yourself and your dogs and any photo's so we can go awww. Lot's of great info on this forum and people are always happy to help if you have a query about the Basenji.
Jolanda and Kaiser
Hi Bscr,
Welcome to Basenji Forums! We moved your photos into the appropriate topic called "Show Off Your Dog". This topic is for member introductions only.
Here is a link to your new post: