• Well I am sitting in the RDU airport in NC waiting for my flight back home. Really missing my B's. I have another 2 hours before my flight leaves. I was only gone 3 days, but according to my husband they made his life hell while I was gone. Normally they no longer mess with the kitchen cabinets but while I was gone broke in and managed to rip open a bag and sugar and spread it all around the house, pee and poop in the house and in general make a mess. I had a family member ask me does my husband greet me when I get home like my dogs and I said NO! Dogs meet me at the door tails wagging, smiling and demanding to be petted. Husband says Hi how was your flight.. and that's about it.

  • Very simple, don't leave them again!

  • I always think it's wonderful the way Basenjis play up when you're not there. It always reminds me of my sons when my brother baby sat them - as soon as I was out the door having left them 'asleep' in their beds, they were up and about and driving my brother nuts!!!

    So wonderful to be home again. Obviously cold turkey doesn't suit you!

  • I always miss mine terribly when I'm gone. When I have to leave them alone with my hubby he knows he's in for a rough couple days. I bet your hubby won't want you to be going anywhere else soon!

  • Our basenjis really get into our hearts, don't they. I miss Kipawa when I am out on an errand and don't have him with me!

  • I wish they could go everywhere with me but I couldn't imagine trying to get them on a plane. We are going to lake Erie in a couple week for a long weekend and they are coming with us. This campground is very dog friendly, this is the campground's annual halloween party before shutting down for the winter. Everyone is asking us to bring our dogs and of course they will be dressed up in costumes. After that we are taking a week to go to Cancun. Dog's can't go but will staying with a friend that has 1 acre fenced and her 3 dogs and mine were practically raised together. So we call it a sleepover. Everyone plays until exhaused so not a lot of time to get into trouble. I will miss them while I'm gone but know they are in great hands with my friend.

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