• Hi Guys,

    Im in the process of doing some research on starting up an organic, bouquet dog treat type of thingy ;), and in some recipes it states that using white chocolate is ok, in small doses ??? Is this true ??? I know that normal chocolate can be deadly, but is white OK ???

    Also is carob chocolate, both powdered and 'normal' ok ???

  • The harmful ingredient in chocolate is not present in white chocolate as there is technically no cacao.

  • Thanks etzbseder, I just wanted to double check, before I made any decisions :)… I dont suppose you know about the carob ???

  • And a small Whippet bitch can eat an entire case of Nestle's white chocolate bars with no ill effects 🙂

  • Well Khanis I think thats a pretty damn good recommendation that its probably ok !!! I wouldnt be using it a lot, just occasionally… Methinks I might just need to do some heavy reaearch on the whole chocolate thing, so I can answer questions with facts, and not just bumble my way through it !!!

    Just to add, I LOOOOOOVE white chocolate too :-)...

  • I forgot to mention that a major be-otch of 16.5" and 19# can eat the following without diahrea or gas:
    1 bag of 12 oz. M & Ms
    1 large Dove milk chocolate bar
    1-6 oz. rich double chocolate mousse
    and many other tiny chocolate pieces.

    This was a be-otch after my heart… chocolate!

  • We used to buy white chocolate mice for our cat - he loved to suck them til they melted 🙂

    I LOVE white chocolate so not sure I would share any with my dogs 😃

  • No dog in our house is getting white chocolate - ME FIRST!

  • @khanis:

    I forgot to mention that a major be-otch of 16.5" and 19# can eat the following without diahrea or gas:
    1 bag of 12 oz. M & Ms
    1 large Dove milk chocolate bar
    1-6 oz. rich double chocolate mousse
    and many other tiny chocolate pieces.

    This was a be-otch after my heart… chocolate!

    WOW - I have a heart attack of fear if my girls go anyplace near even one chocolate bar or one M&M! I'd always heard it was deadly for them to eat it. More myths???😕

  • A few dogs are very sensitive to the ingredient in cocoa, but many aren't bothered in small amounts. The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous. Milk chocolate, or things with 'chocolate flavor' but not much real chocolate are not a problem…unless the dog is highly sensitive. Nicky, Ed and Topper loved brownies and a few bites never bothered them. I do not give them anything other than a lick of fingers of rich, dark chocolate, however. Knowing Nicky, she could eat a pound of an 80% cocoa bar and never even burp!

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