Squigs is a BRAT boy that was surrendered from a lady who purchased him from a petstore. I dont know his pedigree except he probably came from an Amish puppymill (I contacted the petstore last year and they tried to find out as much as possible for me)

    His pic is here 🙂

  • what a good looking boy!

  • Christy,

    Please contact me regarding Squigs at jensrescue@yahoo.com.



  • @dcmclcm4:


    Please contact me regarding Squigs at jensrescue@yahoo.com.



    Sending an email now.

    Thank you AgileBasenji- I like him 🙂

  • Sorry that he is a probable carrier. Was BRAT unable to get any pedigree from the woman who gave him up? He is quite darling!

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    Sorry that he is a probable carrier. Was BRAT unable to get any pedigree from the woman who gave him up? He is quite darling!

    Thank you, he is a sweetheart too 🙂

    No they wernt. She had had him about 2.5 years then put him up with BRAT, I have had him since Nov 2005 .I have always strip tested him but just now got him tested (I know, should have done it earlier).
    She didnt keep the "papers" she got from the petstore. But had the petstore name. A few years ago, I called the petstore with as much info I had (DOB, name of purchaser, date purchased) and tried to find out where they got him. The lady was amazing, made some calls to the mgr who used to work there, went through old files, and could only come up with that it was "probably an Amish family they used to get dogs from at that time".
    I even checked back with the origional owner (after she moved- the reason for the surrender) to see if she found anymore of his info- nope.

  • OK, I have tried to search for more info.
    What are my next steps?I know to continue strip testing (just incase).
    What does "probable carrier" really mean?


  • What, if there are any, are the steps to find out the pedigree of a dog who was bought at the pet store/backyard breeder/Craigslist/ whatever if the present owner has no info at all? Is it even possible to trace the background or origination?

  • @Shaye's:

    What, if there are any, are the steps to find out the pedigree of a dog who was bought at the pet store/backyard breeder/Craigslist/ whatever if the present owner has no info at all? Is it even possible to trace the background or origination?

    I would say that it is close to impossible to trace without any information.

  • What a strikingly handsome basenji he is!

  • Probable carriers not bad.. It means definitely not affected no???

  • Sadly, we have a probable carrier on the board that just developed Fanconi. The test is not foolproof. This is a pretty good page for explanation, although now cheek swabs not blood is used:

    The linked marker test is based on DNA sequences at three sites known to reside in a chromosomal region very near the as yet undiscovered mutation responsible for Fanconi syndrome. Certain sequences at these three sites are very common in mutant chromosomes but relatively rare in normal chromosomes. The pattern of sequences at these three sites is used to classify the tested dog as a ?probable normal? with two normal chromosomes (one from the sire and one from the dam), a ?probable carrier? with one normal chromosome and one mutant chromosome, and a ?probable affected? with two mutant chromosomes. Based on preliminary experiments we expect DNA from approximately 10% of the Basenjis to produce a pattern that is in between that expected from normal dogs and that expected from carriers. In this case the reported result will be ?indecisive.?

  • Squiggy is a good looking Basenji, congratulations

  • Well I understand,… the test is not fullproof, but the same could be said for probably clear.. I think its still good news that he is not probably affected. I am actually looking forward to a probable carrier result instead of probably affected when test Ayo...because he is from affected X Clear parents....

  • @dmey:

    Well I understand,… the test is not fullproof, but the same could be said for probably clear.. I think its still good news that he is not probably affected. I am actually looking forward to a probable carrier result instead of probably affected when test Ayo...because he is from affected X Clear parents....

    The test is a "linkage test" it is NOT a direct gene test. So therefore it can be incorrect. As can errors made by "humans" …...

  • Exactly,.. but what I mean is, that said, probable carrier, is still a " good " result. I mean it is more positive than negative. YOu know that there is a very, very good chance, although not 100% but very good that he will never be affected,… and that is a good thing!
    So.. congratulations, I would be sorry if it came back probably affected!!

  • Shaye's Mom

    If the dog was microchipped, you may be able to get the breeder and/or dealer/broker information from the chip manufacturer. Some dealers/brokers require their petstore bound pup to be microchipped.


  • Jennifer- I got your email. My info on Squiggy is at work, so I will get it to you tomorrow. He was born (I think) in 2002.

    Thank you everyone, I know he isnt a traditional color. But, man, do I love him and his whole look:) When I was looking with BRAT he came up available. His story won me over. He went from a very nervous, flinchy, non-social boy who would pace circles if anyone came over to a shy and sweet loverboy that warms up quick to strangers.

    I know his outcome doesnt guarantee he will never get fanconi, but I can rest a bit easier and know his chances are slim. I will keep strip testing him.

  • If anyone can find this info, its Jennifer. She is a wonder at this type of thing.

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