Bowpi gets shivery and quivery with stress too. When it's REALLY cold, she just peeps and tries to hide from the elements or burrow into someplace warm… whether blankets or dirt.
[EDIT: Oops sorry, didn't realize it was a bumped thread from the archives, and didn't see the second page updates until after posting.]
I've noticed it can be cold (especially for Binti with her thin coat) and it can be adrenaline: just yesterday I sat on the porch with my neighbour who keeps pigeons. Lela lay on the ground, seemingly relaxed, but shivering every once in a while with so much birds just beyond reach…
Had never had this so looked it up. I thought maybe old age and inability to retain heat but this doesn't say so. Seemed logical, lol.
QUOTE:>> Old Age and Pain. As dogs get older, some develop tremors in their hind legs. Sometimes the tremors may be in the front legs as well. These tremors usually don't affect how your dog moves or walks.It's easy to assume that symptoms like shaking legs are due to your dog "just getting older." But trembling can also be a sign of other issues such as pain. So always talk to your vet if your aging pet develops tremors.
I'll check into that. Thanks for the tip!
You're welcome! Small doses of Tramadol were a huge help to Spencer, giving him a better quality of life with no side effects. I was grateful for that.
Shivering in a young dog vs older where it may be pain is 'fear' As the thread started out with a young dog, I was wondering if you can recall the circumstances before the actual shivering. Also remember that dogs' noses can be 10,000 times stronger than ours, hearing 'way better', and recall the animals that could tell when a tsunami hit, or bad storm, (barometric pressure for example or thunder way, way out there) the vibrations: of a train, a gun shot, a backfire of an engine, the list can go on. The fear is just something they are not understanding as it is not a (sound) that they are sensitized to, esp young dogs in a new home (up to a year….) Hope this helps (here is a link )