• As I said on FB: Looks nice Petra! 🙂

  • Houston

    Thanks Irena…

    Will order a table today Tanza. Thanks again.

  • Work on building up the duration of his stand-stay and he will eventually be less likely to walk away. Of course you'll have some sort of hold on his head and he won't be able to go very far. :D. I think it is very true that if you have control of their head, you pretty much have control over the rest of the body.

  • Houston

    Nemo..I know you are correct…he is mastering all his obedience work so far..except STAY..sit stay...stand stay..they are both iffy..working on them this week as it is part of our homework. Could/should I clicker train him for stacking as well?
    I have used his showlead..(the one I ordered from Sal..love it btw), well just the chain and he struggles/fights with it on..he needs to get used to it so we put it on several times a day..think it will get better in the long run..at least I hope so 😉

  • You can clicker train him for hard stacking on the ground but it can be awkward. I used a clicker more for free-stacking and gaiting. Building duration takes time, so don't sweat it. Even just a few seconds is great in the beginning.

    And "Positive Training for Show Dogs" is a great book if you don't have it.

  • I think he looks really nice and you did a great job stacking him, especially on the 17 weeks pics! Tillo was only two weeks older when he had his first show! Haha.. can you imagine how that went..! 😃

  • I have to say that Happy Legs is the easiest fastest method I have ever seen. I recommended it to all my puppy buyers and they love them, share with friends.


  • Houston

    Janneke..I bet he did smashing..actually I looked at his pics a while back and I think he did smashing..

    Debra..I know most peeps swear by those HL..I just can not justify the $200 price tag, crazy IMO..

    I did order a grooming table this morning..can't wait for that to arrive…

  • Houston

    …this is Pippin stacked at almost 20 wks..I think we have both improved...maybe the cheese treat helped..lol. 😃
    Do you have any hints..is it looking OK?

  • He's a stunning young man and you are doing a very good job stacking him. 🙂

  • Houston

    oh, Robyn, you really think so? I am so nervous that I am ruining him..
    I do think we have improved our stacking…if I could just get him to stack nicely without the blocks..tomorrow is our next conformation class..

  • Wow, he looks great! And the stacking looks great too, very nice!

  • He looks great, you are doing a great job… does his tail normally go to the other side? if so, don't try to push to the show side, better to let it goes to the side it is naturally on.

    And work with a show collar on, so that he gets used to that (and you do too)

  • Houston

    does his tail normally go to the other side?

    Yes it does..I was told to maybe tweak it that way..but I won't if you think it isn't needed.
    I bought a thicker nylon show collar to use for now as the chain is really thin..will work with it on later..and transition him onto the chain collar..is that OK you think?

  • @Basenjimamma:

    Yes it does..I was told to maybe tweak it that way..but I won't if you think it isn't needed.
    I bought a thicker nylon show collar to use for now as the chain is really thin..will work with it on later..and transition him onto the chain collar..is that OK you think?

    Use the chain now and if you want a heavier one for now, just go buy a cheap one… best he get used to that as his "show collar" it really does make a difference. I just use what I am going to mostly show them in for any "show" practice.

    And as far as the tail, unless it really is a tail that will go either way (C-Me's is like that), I just don't bother if it naturally falls to the off show side. I always let it go to where is it most natural and comfortable. Gets to be a pain to keep trying to curl to the other side... and can get them "pissed" off as it can really bother them....

  • @Basenjimamma:

    …this is Pippin stacked at almost 20 wks..I think we have both improved...maybe the cheese treat helped..lol. 😃
    Do you have any hints..is it looking OK?

    The only thing I could point out is that the back of the back legs, from hock to the floor should be vertical. You have the rest of him set up beautifully and I honestly would not worry about the back legs at this age. Having his attention is more important. 🙂

  • You're doing great, Petra!

  • You are both doing wonderfully! Good work to both of you!

  • He looks good and will get used to it with more practice. When do you plan to start showing him? Its hard to find shows in TX as they are so far apart distance wise. When we lived in central TX we only hit 4 or 5 shows a yr.

  • @Basenjimamma:

    Debra..I know most peeps swear by those HL..I just can not justify the $200 price tag, crazy IMO…

    Well the nice thing is, you can buy one and share with everyone you know, or even lease it. I know many breeders who got one and shared with their show homes. I know the one we got 8 yrs ago has been used by no fewer than 15 people. 🙂

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