I LOVE the name Oakley. As he grows, he can be known as the 'mighty Oak'.
Just keep those pics coming - love them!
When we got home from our first vet visit we were feeling sluggish after our lyme shot and slept and slept…. He always sleeps with his monkey but today he wanted to be surrounded by his pup too...I love him when he's sleeping :rolleyes:
Oh, the cuteness! Give him an extra hug for all of us puppy-deprived people.
Hello all and welcome to my forum of pointless knowledge. I am glad you all enjoy so let's get started.
AHHHHHHH.. INtolerable cuteness!!!
ahhhhh so cute!
I just want to hug that picture! What a little love he is!
They always seem to sleep hard after getting a shot/shots. Enjoy the peace and quiet, because….
A perfect Basenji - asleep!
oh, what a sweetie. that's tooooo cute. keep this picture posted in your house somewhere and go look at it whenever you're ready to throttle him for the mayhem he will surely cause!
Love..so adorable..
Oh dear, he is soooo cute, I am seriously jealous. Hug him for me!
Super duper sweet!