Can anyone recomend great stud dog with excellent everything?

  • Now, now Pat, I didn't intend to confuse you more than you already are confused about anatomy 🙂 A nice person alerted me to the error, and I'll correct it. The bone in the upper thigh is the femur. Upper thigh with FEMUR from shelf to stifle. Lower thigh with fibula and tibia from stifle to hock. That should help you with basic anatomy!


  • Here is a graphic of where bones are in dogs plus some terminology which seems unique to basenjis (ie shelf, point of shelf).

    I would hate for anyone to leave this conversation more confused then when they entered it and I like/learn better ith visuals.

    Hope it helps someone.

  • Well done! That is a nice schematic Linda, and provides a very good visual. I'm sure now no one can be confused, except perhaps over the term "second thigh", which most people use to mean the lower thigh, correct? Not the upper thigh?


  • Thanks for the diagram.. Hahaha honestly i was laughing because I was so much more confused.

  • Right.. Hahaha I'm assuming that second thigh means lower thigh and so I think I know what everyone is talking about….

  • Had to figure out what you all were asking about.

    Second Thigh is the part of the hind leg from the bottom of the shelf (as a good visual point) and the hock

    I see the confusion more clearly.

    The upper thigh (femur) is the area between point of buttocks (shelf) and stifle. This area is not referred to as a 2nd thigh or lower thigh.

    The lower part of the leg is prolly not best described as lower thigh (which I did in my diagram) or second thigh either - technially it is the lower leg or on humans - the calf/calve area. This area is between point of stifle and point of hock.

    Clear as mud? I can always change the diagram if need be - to help. Let me know.

  • Straight from the AKC Glossary of terms:

    Second thigh That part of the hindquarters from the stifle to the hock, corresponding to the human shin and calf. Lower thigh, including the tibia and fibula.

  • Short and sweet! Thank you Lisa for kindly confirming what I originally said, with the exception of my ipad substituting fibula for femur when I first posted. It can be so annoying when that happens. You and Linda are so nice and helpful in clearing up the confusion!
    But more importantly, does it make sense to you Dmey?


    Does it finally make sense dmey?

  • Argh!!! iPad acting up again. I did NOT mean to ask twice Dmey; I apologize on my and my iPad's behalf!


  • Hahahahha, that is so funny , my iPad does that all the time, sometimes I forget I have it in Spanish and it starts to write all sorts of nonsense!!!!!
    I am sorry to say, that now I am confused again, but…. Dont worry, I have a splitting headache, that I can't even see straight, so tomorrow I wil reread all this and figure it out... Thanks for the help. 🙂

  • All I want for Christmass is not my 2 front teeth, it's lots of shelf and lots of second thigh!!! Thank you for all your free advice. I have a very clear picture of the type I am trying to set. Now I know how to describe it accurately. Back to "stalking" bloodlines with that particular type. In the long run I want to get involved with lure coursing and this type with lots of shelf and second thigh will be well suited to it. As well as attractive movement and looks in the conformation ring!!!! Just have to make sure I keep the temperament and health A+ and we are good to go.

    I really loved that bitch from Australia, good job guys! I had heard good things about many Australian breeding programs and this confirms it.

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