Nigel's here!
I went to and downloaded Photofiltre. It's a free photo editing program that takes little memory space, and is very easy to use. You can resize your images with that and make a few other edits.
(Of course, I have the big Photoshop too, but this little program is quick and easy for internet posts.)
When you resize, tell it to go 480 on the height box. Then your photo will be the right size for this site. :) -
Finally got it! Thanks AJ's human! The quality is probably pretty poor. It's from my cell phone and I think they had to be pretty small to get below 97.7kb. I'll upload some more later. Thanks everyone.
On a side note, I don't think Nigel is used to the amount of exercise he is now getting. I've noticed his little paws are getting raw. Two pads had little spots of blood after about 15miles of hiking/walking. Any tips/treatments or should we just take it real easy and walk on soft surfaces? Thanks a lot.
He is lovely..tahnks you so much for sharing. I am gld Nigel is finally with you.
As far as his pads, maybe start him slow on long walks, so they will get harder and be able to withstand the hiking better. I am pretty sure you could put som balm on them to protect and also soothe them, since they now sound sore. -
Thanks for the pics Greg, he's lovely
We did a 4mile walk when I got back from work at 7am, then a nap on the couch, then a 6.5mile bike ride followed by, you guessed it, a nap on the couch, then a hike for just over 4miles. We both had some food then slept for a few hours before I went to work at 10:30pm. Nigel went happily into his crate. I assume he snoozed the night away.
We took it easy today. Just a 3 or 4 mile walk along the St Vrain river. Snow is on the ground, we'll see how Nigel likes that when he gets up! Thanks again all. I will oblige and slow the pace for the little fella. He seems to love the activity and certainly doesn't lag behind.Take care,
Talk to a vet. Our last basenji we took on a hike across southern Utah. (128 in 28 days) She was in excellent shape but we worried about her paws. The vet gave use a bottle of stuff that we dabbed on and let it dry. Provided some protection as we had no problems at all.
We did a 4mile walk when I got back from work at 7am, then a nap on the couch, then a 6.5mile bike ride followed by, you guessed it, a nap on the couch, then a hike for just over 4miles. We both had some food then slept for a few hours before I went to work at 10:30pm. Nigel went happily into his crate. I assume he snoozed the night away.
We took it easy today. Just a 3 or 4 mile walk along the St Vrain river. Snow is on the ground, we'll see how Nigel likes that when he gets up! Thanks again all. I will oblige and slow the pace for the little fella. He seems to love the activity and certainly doesn't lag behind.Take care,
YOU are in good shape!
Sounds good! I'll check w/the vet, it soundslike putting super glue in cracks on feet and hands. I'll also look into something to keep him warm. I used to guide down in s Utah. I love that area. Everything east of Capital Reef onto the eastern slopes of Boulder Mt. Kicked around in the San Rafael Swell and down s Cedar Mesa during my off time. Beautiful area. Thanks agan.