Augh i am all out of Ideas Please help !!

  • I'm renting a house here in NC at the moment and everything works well the dogs LOVE the big backyard and of Course all the sun lol However the only problem i am having is where his house is on the smaller side . I wanted to be able to have the dogs in the garage when entertaining there's a door in the back that goes right to the backyard so i figured it would be perfect they would be able to go out back and also in the garage for shelter like i said it would only be when lots of people are over . BUT the problem i have is Phoenix my B hates to not be part of the party lol and i have a Doggie door in door that comes from the garage to the house I have tried everything i can think of to block it it's a small one like for a 10 lbs dog or something and didn't think i would have an issue with the dogs.

    However They all can squeeze and when i say squeeze i mean it threw it's so tight i worry there gonna get stuck . I have tried everything to cover it up , I used the little plastic door it comes with . That was eating in all of 5 mins then went out and bought some wood put that there and Phoenix chewed threw that . it's a medal door so i'm limited to what i can use that he can't just pop out there. i was thinking of getting a piece of sheet medal and putting that there but i worry when phoenix scratches at it . He's gonna end up cutting his paw :"( So my question is . Does anyone have any other ideas for what i can do with the the doggie door . I don't want to put a new door in cuz like i said i rent and also the dogs are not crated so that's not an option either. Please help with any ideas !! Thank you 🙂 :D:D

  • When guests come I would rig a crate or expen so when Phoenix comes through he heads into the crate/expen. He can then choose to stay in the crate and be part of the festivities or he can go back out or do a little bit of both. You might have to experiment with plastic sided crates (that have air holes in the back so he can see what is going on) or a wire crate or an expen. Dogs are pack animals, in my opinion basenjis esp. and they should be included to a degree hat keeps them and the guests safe.

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  • The kitchen is to small to put something like that there 😞 My dogs are ALWAYS included but the problem is I don't have kids and when people come over with little toddlers Phoenix doesn't take to well to them trying to play with him. So for safety of the Dogs + Kids it would be better they are not thrown in the middle . Like i said this house is SMALL so when u have 6 or 7 people and my 3 dogs it gets pretty packed real quick

  • Then use an expen on the garage side of the doggie door to keep them from having access.


  • Crate.
    They are dogs, not people.
    It won't hurt them to be kenneled when guests are over.

  • Maybe a sheet of plywood to cover the door? (We put our dogs in wire crates when we leave the house and while they tolerate them when we gone, they cry loudly when they know we are around. I don't think we could entertain guests with their dramatics going on. :eek: ) While our dogs like and tolerate our little grandsons, there are times I feel like they need to be separated. Then I put high baby gates up to secure the dogs in the kitchen. Is that possible in your home? It is a bit of a hassle for people to go in and out of the kitchen but it is very doable and beats the alternative. And the dogs can see what's going on.


  • @BasenjiDiva:

    Maybe a sheet of plywood to cover the door? (We put our dogs in wire crates when we leave the house and while they tolerate them when we gone, they cry loudly when they know we are around. I don't think we could entertain guests with their dramatics going on. :eek: ) While our dogs like and tolerate our little grandsons, there are times I feel like they need to be separated. Then I put high baby gates up to secure the dogs in the kitchen. Is that possible in your home? It is a bit of a hassle for people to go in and out of the kitchen but it is very doable and beats the alternative. And the dogs can see what's going on.


    We have this problem with Querk too. He is almost never crated, except when we have a big group of people over. What we have done that works is put his crate in a room as far away from the gathering place as possible, and close the door…and let him cry it out. He usually quiets down after he realizes that he is in for the duration of the party. He will start up again if he hears someone. I have been known to put his crate in the van too, if the weather is cooperative.

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