Here's another…
Colorado is what I am thinking.
Denver, or somewhere in that neck of the woods..Am I close?
AJ is looking smashing as usual..
I am a wino, so can't help with this.
LOL!!! :D You-all are awesome! I'm not going to give it away yet…I love seeing the discussion! This is so much fun!
Does anyone else notice how difficult it is to type on the computer with a 26-lb dog on your lap trying to lick your face?
Why don't you dictate and let him type? :D
LOL!!! :D You-all are awesome! I'm not going to give it away yet…I love seeing the discussion! This is so much fun!
Does anyone else notice how difficult it is to type on the computer with a 26-lb dog on your lap trying to lick your face?
Must be even harder to drive a truck!
Oh heck, you should have told me, Zest was just in Fort Collins doing agility. And that Zest show was worth seeing!!! :cool:
If that was the one posted, I watched the You-Tube videos. I thought she was great…Especially when she stopped to make her manners to the judges.
I move around so much and so fast, I usually don't know where I'm going to be from two days out. It's as much of a surprise to me as to all of you. :D
Oh, no, this Zest show was better. Way better. That was just yesterday and Saturday. I'll post more as soon as I get the youtubes up.
In 1976, the Olympic Winter Games were supposed to be held in Denver, but at nearly the last minute, citizens of the State of Colorado voted to keep the Olympics out of the state. They were worried about the traffic, pollution and added population.
Beer runs down the east side of the Rockies during the Spring meltoff!:D
Deer Trail, CO hosted the World's First Rodeo.
Since the altitude of Denver is 5280 ft, (hence, Mile-High City) we are near there, but not actually in Denver. Our actual altitude is 191 ft higher than Denver.
We are in the city named for Aurora Borealis, the magnetic phenomenon that scientists have been studying for centuries and still not quite figured out. And it is correct that this beauty cannot be seen from here.
I almost used the state clue: A famous gun-fighter died in this state from tuberculosis, but I suppose everyone has seen the movie Tombstone. John "Doc" Holliday spent his last days in Glenwood Springs.
My word! I can't believe the burrs here! Tenacious! Insidious!
My pet person took my picture on our way here.
This one is city specific…
First, the state:
Is the only state to ever turn down hosting the Olympics-by a vote of its citizens!
Has the most microbreweries per capita than any other, anyone?
The World's First Rodeo was held in this state on July 4, 1869.Now the city:
We are currently sitting at 5,471 feet above sea level!
This city was named for a beautiful magnetic phenomenon. (I sure wish I could see colors!)Cheers
Technically, you should be either in Asheville, NC or Portland OR since these two cities recently tied for having the most microbreweries per capita in the US. Sorry, I am a beer geek and CO has not been in the top spot for quite some time.