Saba, Ochre and Vanda, lazing around…
Pictures are great they all are so cute but I love the head and neck up in the air and sleeping. All the coats are so very pretty. Do they sleep in there coats?
Rita Jean
Yep, Rita Jean, they sure do sleep in their coats :). Our winters are very cold, and they love their coats… When they are out in their run, they are double coated, and they also have, what I call 'neckies', which are the same material, and as the name suggests, their necks are covered too :D. I dont think they are spoilt MUCH...
The coats are made by their breeders Mum, and I LOVE them, but we do go through quite a few, cos of all the rough housing they do, out in the runs. Saba is the worst, he will grab a chunk of the coat, on Ochre, and will do the kill response to it, with Ochre being thrown from side to side ;) . And I wonder why we go through so many !!!
These are great! I love this shot.
It is a cute pic isnt it ??? The amount of sneaking around I did, to get the camera, turn lights on etc, etc, I really thought that at least 1 would get up, but, thankfully they stayed put :D. Actually it was about an hour later that the first one actully moved, and that was only cos I had to put more wood on the fire…
I love those pictures. When they are all piled in the bed, adorable.
In the chair pictures are there two or three B's? I think I can see three, or more like 2 and a butt, but I don't know if I am seeing that wrong..