Fluid build-up in stomach- HELP
Sarah, I'm so sorry for your news. And know it is a really tough decision to make.
I have not experienced cancer in a pet myself but have had friends go thru it. The last one did have surgery and chemo and made it an additional year. They spent thousands but the dog had a really poor quality of life for the entire year and you would not have even thought it was the same dog almost from the get go as it lost all his zest. It was heartbreaking to see him like that and my friends (who have the resources to do anything needed, BTW) said they wouldn't do it again.
Sarah, I am so sorry to hear about Meeka's prognosis, not good. I have had two dogs die(with help from us) from cancer this past spring, one in March and one in April. It is not easy to see them deterioate so rapidly (at least both of my boys did), and knowing it is very little you can do. Please know that we will have Meeka and yourself in our thoughts and prayers..my children, following her thread are heartbroken and ask if Meeka will see our Bogus and Lou in heaven..I answered saying, not now, not for a long time…I hope this comes true..
This is the hardest thing we do for our beloved pets…we love them and give them the gift of peace, when their bodies fail them.
Hugs and hugs.
We will all be here for you. -
I'm so sorry. I went through a similiar situation with my 12 yo beagle. We had to remove the spleen in his case but the cancer had already spread further. I went the steroid route and he was comfortable for another month or so. I sincerely hope they work for you and give Meeka some comfort.
Im sure you have made the right decision, hopefuly the steroids will help Meeka feel better and give her some quality time with you. My thoughts are with you
I'm so sorry to hear your news. I hope your Meeka is comfortable. Hugs to you both.
the steroids have started to help a lot. she's acting like her old self again- which i'm happy because i can tell she's feeling good, but its also hard because i know its not going to last.. so i'm just trying to enjoy the time we have and not think about the future..
Good to hear that Meeka is coming back, if ever so slightly. Enjoy it for as long as you can..