What does your basenji like to 'sing' to?

  • Found this on YouTube. Seemed to keep up to the song rather well…haha.


  • Brando & Ruby both sing on command - I say "who has a song" right as they are about to get their dinner and they both sing. They both also sing to the video on YouTube of Zeke the basenji.

    Liyah doesn't sing on command yet, but she does sing to her "7mo. female basenji friend" that she sees in the glass on the stereo cabinet…she sings to her, brings her toys to her, plays tag with her (this happens when the 2 adults are worn out by her and no longer will play with her)...it cracks me up :D:D. She also will sing to Brando if she wants him to play with her.

  • @Maya:

    Maya just sings along with me 😃 Not sure if it is a way of her trying to make me shut up cos my singing is terrible, or because she enjoys it and wants to carry on singing… 😕

    That sounds very funny!! You'll have to demonstrate it for us all at a show sometime. 😃 lol

  • First Basenji's

    Cody doesn't sing when I'm around 😞 When we first moved in with my parents, he would whine and scream when he saw me leave the driveway, so my mom would sing-song to him, which would get him going. Now when I leave, as soon as he begins to whine, she starts singing, and he will sing along. I just tell myself that when I'm with him, he's too happy to do anything but cuddle and play with me, lol.

  • @noodle:

    That sounds very funny!! You'll have to demonstrate it for us all at a show sometime. 😃 lol

    Um… Or not!! :o :p

  • We live near the train tracks and Bongo mimics the train perfectly. Amtrak makes him sing more than the Coaster (local commuter train).

  • Houston

    Basenjibythebay..that is so funny. I would love to hear a train blow by and B's joining in..

  • If anyone is on Facebook, I have put a video of them on there which I filmed last night of their screeching session. I shall have to find out how to put it on You-Tube.
    (Victoria Gaskell).

  • I am on facebook Victoria, i assume you will need to request friendship for me to view your vid?
    I am thunderbird8588 as on here, lol

  • Saw it lol, both of my 2 joined in with them:rolleyes:

  • Finaly managed to view it, had to go on internet explorer instead of aol.
    Have never heard Basenjis so loud 🙂 Our big Dog Max ran outside when he heard them 🙂

  • God Bless America does it for Abbey!!

  • Marley-mutt never seems to sing along to anything 😞

    He does the whole head twitch listening thing when the Countdown clock is on but never a peep!

  • My 10 month old girl Shaye has not yet found her voice - but Gemma, the 16 month old Basenji mix I got so she'd have company, has. She barks, yodels and barroos - I have no idea how to make her do it, but when they are playing, she does it when she isn't getting her own way. Sounds so cute, I wish Shaye would start!

  • Houston

    Shaye's mom,
    I am with you, I wish Otis would do it as well…but nope nothing. Our foster, Dotty, did it for the first time thursday night, and I love it...Otis just looks at her like she is sick or something..and walks away..

  • My B's stand in front of the TV and listen when the Law & Order music comes on..
    Also any of the Harry Potter openning….and when I listen to Jethro Tull that really interest them.....I have a mixed bag of B's

  • Right now - the last few days - Brando loves to sing to his girls Aaliyah and Ruby. Aaliyah is in heat, and he is singing up a storm. :D:eek: I have a bunch of videos and voice recordings of him…he's too much.

    We're only on day 8 of Liyah's season...not that I'm counting. :D:rolleyes::eek:

  • Was just looking at the Basenji vids on youtube again. AJ started to sing, but I raised my arm to put it behind my head and AJ ducked and flinched hard like I was going to clop him! DURN!!! DOUBLE DURN!!! Thought I got him over that!

    He thought he was going to get hit for singing! I've always praised him and given him cookies for singing… Guess I still have more work to do.:(

    Sure is hard to erase 5 years of past. Now I'm bummed

  • Houston

    Soory to hear about AJ's flinching.. I guess I would praise him as much as I could and maybe sing along in a silly basenji way to encourage and let him know that it is OK and that you want him to sing..poor baby..it is hard to erase the past..

    I wish Otis would sing, he just doesn't.

  • Poor AJ, it breaks your heart to think there are people who would hit a Dog for singing 😞

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