• Sorry, I have been swamped this week. Sugar is better. Tuesday and Wednesday were bad. She screamed if you touched her, wouldn't eat, wouldn't drink, Wouldn't move. I felt so sorry for her. Her muscles would twitch involuntarily as she sat there. It was awful. This morning she seems perkier but has watery diarrhea. I am going to go home on lunch to check on her and let her out. She did jump on the bed last night so I think she is feeling a little better but will still scream if you accidently touch her on the back.

    Sending a foster to their forever home is difficult. Each time I wished I could keep them, but felt the same way. I am of more use as a foster parent to other B's.

  • Houston

    Jennifer, I am glad to hear she is on the upswing of things..poor Sugar.

    Yes it is bitter sweet, but it also is a good thing..

  • Jennifer, I hope Sugar has a fast recovery. Thanks for posting this. We had a thread a while back concerning heartworm preventative and I was disappointed that some risk not using it because of the cost/low incidence in their area. Your post shows how miserable and painful the treatment can be for the poor pup if their humans forgo preventative.

    Hugs to you and Sugar.

  • I don't honestly know how you all do fostering???? You are VERY special people. Our family is so thankful for what you do. It would be so hard to let them go, even tho you know in your heart it is best. God bless you….

  • @snorky998:

    Jennifer, I hope Sugar has a fast recovery. Thanks for posting this. We had a thread a while back concerning heartworm preventative and I was disappointed that some risk not using it because of the cost/low incidence in their area. Your post shows how miserable and painful the treatment can be for the poor pup if their humans forgo preventative.

    Hugs to you and Sugar.

    No question. On top of that she must be calm and quiet for 4 weeks. There is concern that as the worms die they will clog arteries or capillaries in the lungs or elsewhere. Both are potentially fatal. Did I mention the $500 cost as well. Not worth it at all.

  • Jennifer,
    so glad that Sugar is recovering, what a good job there are people like you.

  • So Sugar is STILL not eating. we took her to the vet on Sunday. She had a fever of 103 and watery diarrhea. The vet gave her a shot of antibiotics and an antacid. He said she should be eating better by Sunday night. Her fever went down to 101.3 last night but she only ate a few bites. I have tried everything to get this dog to eat. Chicken broth, chicken noodle soup, butter on rice, plain kibble, lamb and rice. Her weight hasn't really gone down to much but still. I really wish she would eat something….

  • Try a little dry toast and get some baby food the bananas. Vet had us give our akita cooked liver when he was sick. I did not care to touch it and smelled while you were cooking it could be because I dislike liver but good to build blood.

    Rita Jean

  • I'm sorry to hear Sugar is still feeling poorly, poor baby. That treatment is miserable.

    Virtual hugs and good thoughts sent your way. Keep us posted.

  • Houston

    What does the vet say? Is this normal behavior after HW treatment, I have never had to do that, thank god.
    I don't know what else for you to try..just see if you can at least get her to stay hydrated with fluids..that i smore imporatntr then food..for a few days at least.
    Poor little sweetheart Sugar..

  • We took her back in last night since she is still not eating and still has water for diarrhea. Temp was normal. When I got her there he offered her some a/d which she ate almost the entire can. So I brought some home and hopefully we are on the way up. I started giving her immodium and a baby aspirin to help thin her blood. I am not allowed to walk her at all, which sucks. It has been a week now so hopefully she will start to get better. she is no longer ouchy on her back so I can pet her. fingers crossed.

  • Houston

    Good news Jennifer. I sure hope she is feeling better soon.

  • How is Sugar doing?

  • She is doing wonderful. A completely different dog. We go in next week to retest her.

  • Thats realy good news Jennifer, i am so pleased for you and Sugar 🙂

  • hey, that is awesome! btw, HANSEL says hi! He is the most wonderful, loyal, loving, awesome pal you can imagine. He and jonny b. are BEST buds. Thanks again for helping get him to us. 🙂

  • Way to go Sugar keep up the excellent health.

    Rita Jean

  • Houston

    Awesome news. I am s o happy she is "back".

  • Jennifer, I just found this tread. So sorry that you have a difficult time with Sugar, but glad that she seems to be on the mend. keep us posted. I have only been a foster mom a couple of times and it was difficult to let them go. I had one that had I kept her another couple of weeks my husband said she was staying permantly. Ahhh she was adopted.

  • Jennifer! This is so crasy because Im looking to Foster a Shelter Basenji no one will adopt here in Oahu because he has heart Worms. Is it hard or expensive for treatment? Painful for the Basenji? I dont know too much about heart worms, but i know I dont want to turn away for this little guy, I feel like he Needs me. I just dont know what to do.
    Here is his Page: http://www.hawaiianhumane.org/adoptions_detail?opt=dog&id=472662&page=1&select_type=&select_breed=&sysgender=&syssize=

    If you have any advise please let me know 🙂 Sugar is in my thoughts!!

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