• I'm curious how much other folks' Bs sleep. If mine aren't eating or outside on a walk, they are asleep - so that's most of the hours of the day!

    How about yours?


  • Well, yes, now that its so hot…they are sleeping 90% of the time.

  • Nemo's favorite hobby is sleeping…sleeping on the bed, on the couch, in the sun outside on the patio, in my lap, etc. I would say he is sleeping anytime he isn't eating or playing with the puppy. The 7 mo puppy, of course, hardly sleeps if she thinks something is going on that she is missing.

  • Medjai sleeps as long as I am inactive, but if I'm moving about, he will be about following me and watching me. I'm too lazy and am looking for jobs online, so he is just laying around and spending the whole day sleeping. Oh, except for the 3 hours at the dog park in the morning.

  • Pat also sleeps alot - unless he is following me around the house or on a walk! I find it amusing that he seems to have gone into 'teenage' mode and won't get up in the mornings until after we have all eaten breakfast - usually around 8!! He is pretty crafty as he knows that as soon as he gets out of bed in the morning he goes to the garden (and it isn't always sunny out there!) It is the only meal that we can have with Pat in the room and not jumping up at the table!

  • Houston

    Otis has been sleeping a lot too lately, and I never thought about the heat..because we are in right, but that is probably it. You can't barely be out, with heat indexes around 108-110 degrees..so we have B-500 inside instead and rolling balls so they can chase them and all…yesterday Otis and Bana found something real interesting to chase though..regardless of how hot it was otside. One of our 16 week old chickens had flown over their fence into the backyard and oooh my g-d did they chase that stupid chicken. Otis finally got a hold of it and would not let go over her. I had to end up prying his mouth apart to get her, she was Ok, frazzled but Ok, Otis and Bana were very excited and now know how good it feels to have prey in their mouths..after that they slept like dead ones..

  • Our boys (ant the Ibizan too) are happy to be asleep but not that much 😃 hahaha
    Without their nightsleep (between 23.00 and 06.00) they sleep a hour or 3..

    When we are at work, we're home and they are busy looking outside the window (the view changes every second on a ship) they are most of the time lying lazy looking out of the windows.

    Buana sleeps a bit more then Chafuko and Hailey.
    Chafuko and Hailey are the "young" ones, they keep playing together all day long..

    When we're not home, the are in their crate and never longer allone for about 4 hours.
    And then they all sleep.. (I THINK :D)

  • Jaycee up at about 7:30 A.M. Go potty and she eats and plays goes potty taking nap by 9:00 A.M.
    Get up about 11:00 A.M. or so and go potty play have lunch back to sleep by 1:15 P.M.
    Get's back up about 4:00 P.M. and we are up for play, food, walks everything until bedtime after that. Bed some were from 9:30 to 10:00 P.M.

    Rita Jean

  • My 7 month old female sleeps from about 8:30 at night to about 6:30 in the morning, and takes a few short naps here and there during the day when I am online or otherwise sedentary - but if I am moving about, or if she hears noises outside to investigate out the windows, she's up and active.

  • Gossy sleeps a lot if the squirrels aren't active or if it's fairly hot out.

  • @Basenjimamma:

    Otis has been sleeping a lot too lately, and I never thought about the heat..because we are in right, but that is probably it. You can't barely be out, with heat indexes around 108-110 degrees..so we have B-500 inside instead and rolling balls so they can chase them and all…yesterday Otis and Bana found something real interesting to chase though..regardless of how hot it was otside. One of our 16 week old chickens had flown over their fence into the backyard and oooh my g-d did they chase that stupid chicken. Otis finally got a hold of it and would not let go over her. I had to end up prying his mouth apart to get her, she was Ok, frazzled but Ok, Otis and Bana were very excited and now know how good it feels to have prey in their mouths..after that they slept like dead ones..

    When it's hot here Buddy will tire out easier. Back in the 90's I used to take my last 2 Basenjis to this huge field where they would chase down jack rabbits and kill them. I stopped taking them out there because they were getting too many.

  • Houston

    [When it's hot here Buddy will tire out easier. Back in the 90's I used to take my last 2 Basenjis to this huge field where they would chase down jack rabbits and kill them. I stopped taking them out there because they were getting too many.

    oh, they were having so much fun…
    Otis got scolded, but hey...it is in my blood mom..I "must" hunt..

  • Akeyla sleeps through the night from 11:00pm-8:00am, then outside to potty and breakfast. It's not much longer after that that she is in the morning sun sleeping until about 12, then a walk and back to sleep until about 2. And the rest of the day she is up until after she eats dinner. (of course we have a few potty breaks in there)

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