Show Certificate
My Gracie pug has two titles… sadly the CH is yet to come but she has the ShCM and JW. Im so proud of it, i bet you are too :D
I tried very hard to get the JW but it is very hard with such low class numbers etc plus the fact that I need to travel 4 hours south of the border to really get any breed classes!! :(. We did get 20 points out of the required 25 so I was pleased. :)
Well done Vicky & Chance. Will he deign to play with Tilly now when he meets up with her?
Well done Vicky & Chance. Will he deign to play with Tilly now when he meets up with her?
Chance has no heirs and graces about him! Plus, I don't think it will be long before you have a Champy Tilly (although it doesn't quite have the same ring as Champy Chance) LOL!! :)
Congratulations Chance and Vickie you must be so pleased.
Ah, that was a fun day out, and don't forget that he got BIS as well!It was one of the most enjoyable days at a show I've had. It was so nice that all the Basenji people stayed right to the bitter end. It turned out to be a bit of Basenji Domination!!!!
I was totally exhausted when I got home (over 5 hours later). Douglas had put a huge 'CONGRATULATIONS' banner on our garden gate! :D