• Hi Steve,
    thanks for your advise, hope to meet you at Blackpool.
    I am totaly green when it comes to shows and have to ask you what are Benches please?

  • Hi Steve and welcome to the forum.


    Your so good at multitasking I sure you can work and forum at the same time! With me it?s a different matter!


    I too can multi-task (sitting at my work comp now). I think it's a female thing!! 😃 (Oops, maybe I just started something here!)

    Looking forward to seeing you at Blackpool. 🙂


  • @thunderbird8588:

    Hi Steve,
    thanks for your advise, hope to meet you at Blackpool.
    I am totaly green when it comes to shows and have to ask you what are Benches please?

    Hi Shelley. The 'benches' are where we keep the dogs when we are not in the show ring. Each 'bench' has a number which corresponds to the dogs number in the ring. These numbers can be found in the catalogue, which as Jisgard says can be purchased at the entrance to the show. When you arrive at the show there should be a steward who you can ask to point you in the directions of the Bs.

    Looking forward to meeting you.


  • Hi Vicky,

    I’m having trouble with single tasking at the moment!

    Does anyone know why some characters in my posts keep coming out as question marks?

    Is it because I paste them in from Word? The posts are ok when I paste them in, but when I look back they have changed, It’s driving me mad!


  • Thanks for the info Vicky, i am looking foward to the show and meeting people and of course Basenjis from this forum. When i had Benji i never met anyone else with one. There was another in the village but i never got chance to talk to them. I think i frightened them off when i shouted Snap! Lol

  • Hi Shelley,

    Are you completely against showing? Pet dogs and champions are often the same thing in the UK.

    It's a great pass time and you would be doing it with similar minded people. It can be a little daunting at first, but if you are under someones wings it's not so bad. Anyway take a look at Blackpool and see what you think.


  • Hi Steve,
    I' not against showing at all, its just something i've never thought about, Blackpool will be the first ever Dog show i've been to.

  • Hi Steve, welcome to the forum, I used to show my first basenji back in the late eighties, Zande Parapanda. As I am in Hampshire and a stones throw from the west sussex border we are practically neighbours!

    I look forward to seeing your new addition, I wont be at Southampton (good luck) but will be at Blackpool wih Julie and Tegan.

  • @moetmum:

    Hi Steve, welcome to the forum, I used to show my first basenji back in the late eighties, Zande Parapanda. As I am in Hampshire and a stones throw from the west sussex border we are practically neighbours!

    I look forward to seeing your new addition, I wont be at Southampton (good luck) but will be at Blackpool wih Julie and Tegan.

    Hi Moetmum,

    Thanks for the welcome.

    Yes you are one of our closest Basenji neighbours. We did chat briefly at the ringside at Southern Counties a couple of years ago.

    I am not expecting much form Southampton in AVNSC, it?s more of a warm up for the expensive shows.

    I will be good to see you, Julie and Tegan again at Blackpool.


  • Steve,

    Welcome to Basenji Forums! We are glad to have you as a part of our forum community.

  • Welcome to the forums. We look forward to pictures and stories.


  • I was planning to be at Southampton, but I'm waiting on the girls; Keiko will definitely miss Southampton and Ezri probably will, but I might pop along to watch if she isn't finished. Got to see Poppy's debut! (she is a Bryn granddaughter after all).
    Pity we have lost the classes there, we have usually given them a decent entry so it's disappointing to have them taken off after just one bad year.

  • Sorry to hear that your girls may not be there. If you do come please do not expect too much of Poppy, as we have been to ring craft this evening and things were not encouraging, she would not settle in the line, table was ok, and movement was very erratic. The second time was slightly better; I am possibly just being a pessimist.

    It is a pity we have lost classes at so many shows. I think we that we should work together to support the best of local Opens shows, so they continue to put on classes, we would also be supporting aspiring judges. Our club (Chichester and District) did say that they could possibly put on classes if we could guaranty an entry. I had to say that with the present state of the breed we are struggling to produce viable numbers at Championship shows in some cases.

    Sorry reading this back it all sound slightly negative, I will be more positive tomorrow (I have just realised it is already tomorrow!).


  • Well, I would go to Chichester if they put on the right classes and get us a judge who is at least interested in the breed. Societies don't always realise that Puppy - Post Grad - Open will not do for Basenjis especially in the first half of the year and that Junior - Limit - Open will get them a better chance of a decent entry.
    Poppy sounds pretty much like a six month old Basenji to me! For me the most important thing you said was 'table OK'. The rest should come with experience. Southampton is a lovely show if the weather is good and ideal for a first outing.

  • Yes I am sure she is a typical youngster, I just hope we would be perfect on the day. I was just feeling a little negative yesterday.

    Today is much better, my daughter has just past her driving test first time round and I Sally has supplied me with information regarding stud book numbers and it is good news. I will email you with the detail.

    Another box ticked!

  • First time, that's great; congratulations to her!

    My Ezri was perfect at six months. Not any more, she waited to be a teenager before subjecting me to public humiliation.

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