I have to place a great boy
We could certainly help out as well as far as fostering while you are away. we foster for BRAT but we are free of fosters now. You can contact me via the message board or email @ davdaj@yahoo.com. Or we can help get him to gneigum.
Do let us know what you find out.
Just wanted you to know we will be picking Ansel up Memorial weekend. He will be a great addition to our family. My husband made me promise this is the last one. :) I think 2 is a good number. Our son is so excited. We think we can make Ansel a great home. We already love him!
I am happy to pass on any information about Ansel. This has been the hardest decision for me to make. I just know that being with a family suits Ansels life style. He is such a happy dog, and well behaved. He does do some fetching, and if you look at my photo, he loves to ride on your back. I miss him everyday, but I cannot believe that my life is the best one for him. I am just too busy, and living in a country where dogparks are just not available, and apartment life is the norm. I am sure he will be happy. If I could ask only one favor. Occasionally send me a photo. It is the only self=serving thing I am asking. I just want to remind myself I did the right thing! Having seen a dog born, and then raising him, and going through many good and bad times together… well I just will never forget Ansel Adams (pretty as a picture)... my boy. I am sure he will bring you great pleasure, and I am sure that the life he will lead in your care will surpass what I can currently provide him. Thank you to everyone who helped Ansel. He is really amazing, and I am wagging my tail knowing he is going to be getting all of the attention I would give him, and much more. I can't wait for your son to meet him!!!!!!!!
My daughter and I are so excited to pick him up. There will be many pictures often. He has had a lot of good things said about him and we are so excited to make him happy. We will let you know how things go and please ask any time you get lonely. We will be happy to update more often if you like! Thank you for letting us be a part of his life.
Pictures and info soon! -
How wonderful to hear of another 'happy ending'..though bittersweet for Brandon. It is very selfless to put Ansel's needs before your own. Someday when the time is right, I'm sure another wonderful dog will come into your life. And until then, you will be able to follow Ansel's life, as this is an "open adoption." Kudos to everyone involved in helping a good thing happen.
Here are a few from my phone to hold you over until he gets to his new family. I am so happy I got to be part of Ansels journey to his new home. It was a pleasure having him. He was such a sweet dog, so laid back and up for anything! A good cuddler too! Click the picture to make it bigger- not sure why they are so small!
We drove 10 hours round trip today and got to pick up Ansel. We added an H and we will call him Hansel. :) hope that is ok! He is a Wonderful boy. He just acts like he has lived with us all his life. My husband was snacking on an oatmeal pie and Hansel wanted a bite. He would not give hansel a bite so hansel sat up on the couch and faced the wall and would not look at him!!! it was sooooo funny! so I got a canine carry out treat and then he was happy. haha
we had a good drive. the boys are good together. jonny is soooo laid back. hansel has let a few growls rumble but otherwise things are reall happy. thank you to all that helped make this happen. already jonny is coming out of his shell in just a few hours! updates and pictures often. thanks again! i cant get the pictures on here but they are in my album. take a look! :) thanks again.