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Puppy class fun

Basenji Training
  • We are in are second round of puppy class training, we're goingthrough again for socailization and to keep working on the basics. Well we are in a class of 8 and Eli is the only b in there but he has 5 labs, 1 pitbull and a wiener dog. So far we keep getting asked what kind of dog is that. Well here we are the teacher tells everyone to have there dogs sit, and sence this is Eli's second time around(teacher told everone that) all the labs do it pretty well there still pretty young. Then you have Eli how after I ask him to sit, he looks at me as if to say no and you can't make.:rolleyes:. So we get the looks like now we see why he is here again failed the first time around. My cute puppy is turning into a teenager:eek: with all the atittude. So wish us luck or should I say me, in tring to make others under stand he is not untrainable just stubrand, and verry b like.:D

  • :) Good luck, indeed! I had the same problem in the puppy k. class I took my female to. Everyone was intrigued by her, but even the trainer couldn't remember her breed every week @ check-in. Trinity knew what was expected of her, but was bored within the first 30 min. Hang in there - you'll get it!

  • Hmmm….my dogs always EXCELLED at puppy class. They picked things up faster than the other dogs, and were always happy to home is another story.

    Are you using a reward based training school? Or the traditional push them into a sitting position type method?

  • We do the reward, but he has been through the class once already. He figured out what we wanted from him right away, but now I think he gets bored going I know this and why can't I just play with the other puppys. I am lucky that the trainer we have had some dealings with b's. There is a couple comes to the same vet that has some so they knows there quercks. They just never had one in class and are glad they get the chance to work with him and us.

  • Maybe it may help if you don't have the thought "Eli will be a problem". Dogs, especially Basenjis feel the energy you give off whether it's positive or negative. Get the thought the that says "Eli is doing great in his training". Try to make it a fun experience for both of you.

  • I don't think he will be a problem, and he ussally isn't. I think part of it is he does what he is asked to and he gets bored waiting for everone else to get done to. Eli loves going to class and everything, this last week all he wanted to do was play and not work. He was used to show how to do a couple of things in class like coming on leash when called and then doing puppy push-ups. He is a good boy, trying to get him to do it at home is another thing. We have a another b at home and she is in training agian at home to. trying to find some more lures to use, it's getting to the point that he looks to see if you have anything for him before he does what is asked, is this normal I remember kitkat doing it to.

  • Oh OK, fast learner. Maybe he needs something more challenging like agility?

  • @KitKat:

    I don't think he will be a problem, and he ussally isn't. I think part of it is he does what he is asked to and he gets bored waiting for everone else to get done to. Eli loves going to class and everything, this last week all he wanted to do was play and not work. He was used to show how to do a couple of things in class like coming on leash when called and then doing puppy push-ups. He is a good boy, trying to get him to do it at home is another thing. We have a another b at home and she is in training agian at home to. trying to find some more lures to use, it's getting to the point that he looks to see if you have anything for him before he does what is asked, is this normal I remember kitkat doing it to.

    Puppy class is very distracting for Zoni, it is difficult for her to concentrate a lot of times unless I have some really good treats with me, and unfortunately the "really good" treat from last week isn't a good treat for this week! She'll sit half the time, won't come to me, etc. She does really well at home but not so much in class until I get her to pay attention to me away from the other dogs (she just wants to play too). Our puppy class teacher said not to worry so much about how they do in class and judge their progress by how they behave at home. Sounds like Eli is normal and doing fine. Just work with him a home and he'll listen better in public later on.

  • I took Luke to his first puppy class tonight, and WOW. He would not listen to me at all. He was more concerned with what the other dogs were doing than what we were supposed to be doing. What kind of treats did you guys use when trainning your B's?

  • It get's better. We have used several kinds of treats but Jaycee was not into food like it will be there later. Wish you good luck hang in there.

    Rita Jean

  • @bernicem77:

    I took Luke to his first puppy class tonight, and WOW. He would not listen to me at all. He was more concerned with what the other dogs were doing than what we were supposed to be doing. What kind of treats did you guys use when trainning your B's?

    Like I said in my previous post, this is similar to what happened with me. Zoni had to get comfortable in the room, sometimes took her about 10 minutes or so. After a while she got used to it but was still very interested in everyone else, particularly if we were moving around the room. Really practice on attention exercises at home and that will help. I went through a range of different treats, and I think I found for class the smellier was better for getting her attention. Although not smelly, beef lung worked really well for me too and it is easy to use and break up into little pieces. Little biscuit-type treats weren't high value enough for her in class.

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    Awww shucks….Thank you :o it means a lot coming from you :) :) I absolutely value your opinion and your experience is invaluable for us newbies!