• I wanted to share a fun thing that we did yesterday. My daughter, Sophie complained that "her" puppy was ignoring her. Willow is 13.5 weeks old and very snuggly, but does have things she wants to do that are not necessarily part of a 6-year-old's plan.

    We've been clicker training Willow and her brother since we got them 10 days ago with huge success - they know sit, down, shake hands and (sometimes) go to their beds. I'm having a ball.

    Anyway, as an experiment (and to stop the whining), I got Willow to "go find Sophie" using the clicker. I took a treat and held it over Sophie's lap and when the puppy followed into her lap, I clicked. After about 5 times, she did it on her own when I prompted her. There were giggles and glee and treats all around.

    I had to share this success to make me feel better after getting up for the past several nights at 1:30 and 4:30 with my boy puppy to take him out. It's getting a little depressing.

  • First Basenji's

    That is awesome they know so much already! I JUST started clicker training my girl TODAY she is 12 weeks. She was having issues with food because she had no appetite but she eating good now and is interested so I decided to give it a whirl. She learned to sit, lay down, and roll over pretty well for her first day. I did not expect her to do so well. But I am so going to try to have Dolce try and "find John" my bf hahha such a good idea. He is jealous she likes me a little more than him right now because I have been able to spend the most time with her. I guess ur daughter and him have similar feelings.

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