New Basenji mommy in Houston, TX
Welcome! I'd love to see pictures, I love brindles!
Welcome…where did you get your b from?
Some of our folks are "related" by dogs, so I like to ask. -
I got him from a breeder in Mo. How do I post pics. I tried but got a error message.
I had the same problem trying to post pictures.
There is something called an avatar. you have to edit or activate it. (it has been a while since i did it and it was not something i was familiar with, so i am not sure i remember) but as soon as i did that, the pictures downloaded. try that…. -
I even tried to do an avatar and got the same message. I will keep on trying and see if I get some info from the headman/woman, I did leave them a message.
Thanks all, we are really enjoying Otis in our lives. He is very sweet and different I must say even as a puppy. I am about to try and get some pics added so you can see how pretty he is.
I keep on getting the mesage that my link or something like that is missing a secure logo or something. I even tried getting the pics from photobucket but can not figure it out. I am working on it though so bear with me.
Ok here is a n attempt to get picture added to my post if it doesn't work, please bear with me once more until I get it, it might be a blond thing..LOL
Hey it worked so I am adding one more,
These pictures were taken on the eve of Otis' first day here in Houston.I am so excited I figured it out, the picture thing that is.
Thanks all, we love him, but then again we are pretty partial, LOL
basenjimamma -
He is a very dark brindle which is one of the reasons we picked him.
I took some more pics and he is (in my eyes) beautiful when running in the sun. Nothing is as pretty as a Basenji running, of course none of those pics turned out, but here are a few others of him….
Enjoy, Basenjimamma
What a pretty pup. Thanks for the pictures!! and welcome to the forum. I'm partial to the brindles.
I have an older brindle guy who's more of a black over red. Yours looks more like a red over black. I never thought to look here to see if there's a color distinction amongst brindles. I will now.
Again, welcome Otis and family.
Thanks for the warm welcome Snorky998, we are glad to be here.
He looks so joyful! I have a huge soft spot for brindle boys