Heating seeking missile? or Basenji

  • My 2 b's think I bring things our of the dryer as a TREAT for them!

  • I frequently catch our Basenji lying on the bathroom heat register after he's been outside, esp if he gets a little wet. It is like he knows he will be get 'blow-dried' there. I don't know why he hasn't discovered any of the other heat registers in the house, but that is the only one he uses.

    Smart pup though!

  • This has to be a Basenji trait - Shaye also waits for me to take clothes out of the dryer and plops right in on top of them. When I take her out and put her back away, it becomes a challenge for her to try to grab warm clothes out of the basket all the time I'm unloading the dryer. I have to fold clothes on top of the kitchen table or she's all over them.

  • When I was a kid we would pull the clothes out of the dryer and lay them on the dining room table before we put in the next load. We usually would go back and find our male happily curled up there in the clothes. Zoe also will dive in to my basket of warm clothes. So even after over 30 yrs Basenjis are still the same I have never had or seen another dog love heat soo much!

  • Kayah loves to lay on top of the heat vents….anywhere there's heat you can find your basenji!!

  • Okay this has to beat all – as I was pulling the laundry out of the dryer on Saturday, Gossy decided the warm clothes weren't good enough. She tried to climb INTO the dryer to get warm πŸ˜ƒ

  • On the weekends I keep the blinds up if its a sunny day. Being that I have both an East & West exposure with a glass curtain wall, there are plenty of spots for Kananga to sunbathe. He will literally move across the living room as the day goes by, moving with the sunlight. He's very happy on those days. πŸ˜ƒ

  • That is too funny. Ironing is enough of a bother without a basenji helping out!!


  • My Basenji, loved to be blow dried with the hairdryer on hot.
    I think he thought the hoover would do the same job and used to get in my way sometimes. I once put the nozzle from the hoover onto him to see if he liked it. He didnt and showed his displeasure by attacking.
    In his later years he enjoyed curling up on a hot water bottle with a Lion cover on.
    He very cleverly used to pull the bottle of the settee when he required it refilling.

  • @thunderbird8588:

    My Basenji, loved to be blow dried with the hairdryer on hot.
    I think he thought the hoover would do the same job and used to get in my way sometimes. I once put the nozzle from the hoover onto him to see if he liked it. He didnt and showed his displeasure by attacking.
    In his later years he enjoyed curling up on a hot water bottle with a Lion cover on.
    He very cleverly used to pull the bottle of the settee when he required it refilling.

    Hah. Kananga is terrified of the hairdryer. I'm surprised your B liked it.

  • LOL I often bring warm laundry up from the basement & fold it on the bed. When I dump the pile of warm clothes on the bed I am guaranteed to have 2 Basenjis in the middle of the pile.

    Also, we just moved into a new house with heat registers on the floor. This is Jibini's FIRST encounter with such a thing; every other house we've been in had them on the ceiling. I was waiting to see how long it would take him to catch on….for about a week he persisted in his usual warmth-seeking behavior (cuddling with me on the couch). But on a particularly cold night he was walking by the living room heat register and he stopped in his tracks, did an about face and stood looking at the register in disbelief. Initially he kept standing & rotating so as to "warm" his whole body....then he curled up for a nap in front of the register.

    Silly dogs!!

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