• Today we did Kobey's hips, elbows, thyroid, and patellas. It was with a mobile vet clinic that comes to shows. They do all the tests (Hips/elbows) with no sedation. Total charge for all 4 tests was 345.00 total. I was blown away… I have paid that much just for hips on one dog.... The only thing that this did not include is the OFA recording fee. And it took a total of 15 minutes for the xrays, patella exam, and blood draw for thyroid.... it was great and so easy...(I did have all the forms filled out before hand and that certainly makes it go faster to.... they review the xrays right there for you so you know at least their opinions on the films...

    Anyone that is on the west coast (California, Or, Washington), I would high recommend the mobile clinic for testing....(oh and they also do semen collection/storage).

    So Kobey's patellas are normal. The films on Elbows look normal and hips should be good or excellent... but for those we still need to wait for the OFA rating. Too bad the only thing they don't have is eye exams...


  • That is such a good idea, wish we had that at our shows but only have the eye testing which I'm doing with Belle at my next show.

  • We have many of the shows that do Eye Testing also…. becoming "one stop shopping" for health testing...ggg

  • Wow, at a show, great they can do that there! Here in the Netherlands there are only a couple of clinics who are allowed to take official X-rays.

  • Great thing, they?ll do that on shows!! I think many people respond and take the test!


    Wow, at a show, great they can do that there! Here in the Netherlands there are only a couple of clinics who are allowed to take official X-rays.

    There are a lot of clincs were we live, that make official X-rays.
    I only think, most of the clinics doesn't have a website, so they're hard to find.
    We're lucky our own vet makes offical hip photo's, theoid and everyting except the eyes. (for that we go to your school! 😃 )

  • Sophie has her appointment with the mobile vet in about 2 hours. It is nice to be able to do it at shows, it is also nice that it is electronic submission for the x-rays which cuts the turn around time in half or more.

  • Wow I sure wish we had that type of clinic here! I'm envious.

  • Sophie had a good appointment today. Her hips and elbows look good and we should hear back from OFA in aobut 3 weeks. We did have one hitch, they couldn't find her microchip so we had to get her microchipped again. I'll make sure to take her in to the vet in couple of weeks and get her scanned to make sure this one stays readable.

  • That is really cool! I wish we had something that convenient here. Every time I go to do thyroids I have to convince my vets I know what I want…

    Good luck to both of you, I hope everything comes back perfect!!

  • The turn around on the electronically submitted x-rays is amazing. It has only been 2 weeks and I have my results.

    Sophie, Kinetic-Tanza Soul Music, has OFA Excellent Hips and Normal Elbows. Yay!

  • Wonderful news!

  • Same with Kobey (that I posted on a new thread)… it is a great turn around, his are normal for elbows and Good for hips

    And Yea for that Sophie girl

  • Good news Pat and Lisa, congrats!

  • More health testing results for Kobey, got his Thyroid back, also Normal….. now to get an update eye exam sometime this summer... he did have one at 9wks and all was normal.. but we didn't get it up on OFA....

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