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Baron's lump

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Baron is home and he acts like nothing happened. He has his head in my lap hoping I'll drop some of my fried chicken on him. :p I wasn't able to speak with the vet after the surgery but she left some notes. The growth was attached in places to the underlying connective tissue. She removed all that she could but does not think she got all of it. A sample was sent to the University of Georgia for a biopsy and I should have results in 10-14 days. The scar is not as big as I was expecting but it is kind of ugly with all the stitches.

    And the vet removed a little wart looking thing on his left side at no extra charge.

    I totally forgot to buy an e-collar so I had to come up with something out of stuff I had here. I used a couple of stiff folders wrapped in a towel and duct taped around it. It's a bit bulky but it was the best I could do with no one to help.

  • Not pretty, but they did have enough skin to close it and that's good! Fingers crossed for a good pathology report. Keep feeding him fried chicken!

    Glad he is home safe and sound. It is so frightening to have them put under for a procedure!

  • Keep us posted on the results!

  • Aww - poor fella! Glad to hear he's feeling okay though. :) Best wishes to you both.

  • Wow…that is some incision! Looks like they really had to work to pull it together. I have my fingers crossed and sending good vibes for him. Let us know when you hear about the pathology.

  • Poor Baron. Give him lots of treats and loving. How are the rest of your pack reacting to Baron's incisions? Or do they even notice? I love the makeshift collar. Good ol' duct tape! You should send that in to the people who publish those books on everything you can do with duct tape! Keeping fingers crossed that the pathology report comes back as benign.

    Jayden asks that you tell his Daddy to get well soon.


  • Good wishes going your way.

  • Prayers are with you on the results Robyn.

  • Glad to hear that he is home with you & feeling well. I'll be praying for positive results from the biopsy. Keep us updated!

  • I'm very happy he's home allright, give him a hug..

    Prayers from holland for the results!

  • Glad hes home and alright, goodness that is a big incision but guess she had to do that much.

    I LOLd at the make shift collar, poor dude looks PO'd at you

  • I was not home all day Wednesday and Baron managed to bend the inside of the neck wrap and pull out 2 staples. I took him to the vet yesterday and since the underlying stitches were still intact he didn't get restapled. I got him one of those cone collars. The poor boy's peripherial vision is gone because of the cone and he keeps getting the collar hung on things or bumping into things on his sides because he can't see them. The wound started draining last night and looks icky. I am not supposed to get the stitches wet plus the area is so tender that I am not going to try to clean it. I have the puppy pen in the kitchen set up for him. He has plenty of space to stretch out and the other dogs can't bump into him. He seems content in there. The staples and stitches are supposed to come out in 7 more days but I don't think I will allow that. I think that this wound is just not going to hold together at that time. :(

  • So…..the sutures worked their way out over the weekend leaving a scary "hole". I took him back to the vet today to get him stitched back up. We knew this was a possibility considering how much skin had to be removed and how tight the remaining skin is after being sutured. We're going to keep him sedated and he will have to stay in a 3' x 3' pen only being allowed out to relieve himself. The sutures will be left in for 14 days. I'm just praying they stay closed this time. I don't know what we will do if the skin will not grow back together. :(

  • OMG, poor little guy and poor you!! :(:(:( I'm so sorry to hear that there are problems with the healing. Hopefully this time the wound will stay closed and heal. Sending healing thoughts Baron's way!

  • Robyn, we had a young orang who had a problem like this with an abdominal incision. It took FORever to heal…but it eventually granulated in, but she was left with a large scar. If the inner layers are allowed to heal quickly, hopefully the skin will take care of itself over time.

  • I hope poor Baron starts doing better soon. Sending hugs to you and belly scratches to Baron.


  • If the inner layers are allowed to heal quickly, hopefully the skin will take care of itself over time.

    It was a different vet who did the second suturing and she something about how abnormal cells deteriorate the inner lining of the skin and that is why the sutures did not hold. Honestly, once I heard "abnormal cells" I didn't quite focus on what else she said. I don't have the biopsy report back yet but this doesn't sound promising. :(

    Baron was not doing well when I got him home yesterday. He was obviously in far more pain this time than the first suturing. He stayed in the puppy pen, never making a fuss, but whenever he tried to stand his legs trembled and once in a while he would yelp. It was heartbreaking seeing him like this. I carried him out to the fenced yard several times to go potty but he refused. I think he was just in too much pain. He was quiet in the pen throughout the night and suprisingly he didn't soil it. I took him for a walk but when he started getting frustrated that he couldn't sniff around I removed the cone collar. This seemed to relax him and he was able to relieve himself completely. He's in the puppy pen now, cone collar on, being quiet. The sedatives are obviously working, thank goodness.

  • Robyn, what has he been given for the pain?

    Nicky was sent home with a fentanyl patch that lasted for 4 days and he had a prescription of metacam for pain and inflammation. When the fentanyl patch came off he had a day or so where he needed the metacam but the pain dropped off quickly after that. Right now the only issue he is having is with muscle twitching because they had to take some muscle during the surgery but it is improving and hopefully when that fully subsides his seroma will begin to reduce.

  • I am surprised too that there was no pain meds? After surgery they had a pain patch same as Lisa notes in her post

  • @lvoss:

    Robyn, what has he been given for the pain?

    He's been on Rimadyl since the surgery but the dosage was doubled after the second suturing. He is also taking Tramadol now. He gets both every 12 hours.

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