Baron's lump
About a year ago, Baron had a lump on his right thigh. I took him to the vet and a needle biopsy showed no abnormal cells. It was declared a cyst. Except for a low T4 thyroid result, everything else in his blood panel and urinalysis was normal.
Photos of the cyst in May 2008. My fingers next to it to show it's depth and width.
I had another needle biopsy done in the fall 2008 and it was clear of abnormal cells. The lump was ugly but still nothing to be concerned about.
In February 2009, his bloodwork and urinalysis came back with everything normal. (The T4 was corrected by thyroid pills.) Another needle biopsy was done and this time, there were 1-2 suspicious looking cells. Since then, the lump has slowly been increasing in size and in the past 2 weeks, had a growth spurt. This is it today.
I finally have the money for his surgery and I just spoke to the vet about it. Surgery is going to be complicated due to it's size. Removing it is possible but the question is whether there will be enough skin left to cover it or not. If it isn't attached to anything, the skin can be cut, the lump removed, and then sewn back up no problem. If the lump is attached, well I'm just praying it isn't. I'll be taking him in Tuesday morning (April 14). The vet will examine the area again and we go from there.
I'm pretty shaky right now. What with Lisa's Nicky (Lvoss) going through almost the same thing and losing Baron's brother in December, I'm really getting worried. Positive vibes, prayers, and well wishes greatly desired and appreciated.
Oh, Robyn! We will definitely keep you and Baron in our thoughts and prayers. I sure hope 2009 starts getting better very, very soon! I haven't been impressed with the year so far. Hugs for you and belly scratches for Baron (and the rest of your crew).
We'll be thinking of you and Baron… I hope everything goes well!
We're all pulling for you Baron!
You and Baron have been in my thoughts and prayers today. When will you hear anything? I hope all news is good news.
Baron is home and he acts like nothing happened. He has his head in my lap hoping I'll drop some of my fried chicken on him. :p I wasn't able to speak with the vet after the surgery but she left some notes. The growth was attached in places to the underlying connective tissue. She removed all that she could but does not think she got all of it. A sample was sent to the University of Georgia for a biopsy and I should have results in 10-14 days. The scar is not as big as I was expecting but it is kind of ugly with all the stitches.
And the vet removed a little wart looking thing on his left side at no extra charge.
I totally forgot to buy an e-collar so I had to come up with something out of stuff I had here. I used a couple of stiff folders wrapped in a towel and duct taped around it. It's a bit bulky but it was the best I could do with no one to help.
Keep us posted on the results!
Aww - poor fella! Glad to hear he's feeling okay though. :) Best wishes to you both.