• Sorry this is a little long…but lots to tell...

    Well, I've had my 11wk old b-puppy girl, Aaliyah (Liyah for short) at the house now for 24 hours and I would say everything has been going quite well :D. Having never had a puppy before, I will say all the puppy threads I read on here prior have helped a great deal. In particular, Pat & Lisa's words of "she has to cry it out" which came in handy around 2:15am. 🙂

    The drive home (2.5 hours) was fine...she whimpered a little (max 15 minutes during the whole drive), but no screaming. She was really good about occupying herself...she had 2 toys and 2 nylabones...and slept max 45 minutes. She did throw up once and had a little nervous poop, but otherwise, I would say it went really well.

    The intro of Liyah to Ruby and Brando was interesting...I think I was worried about it for no reason now. I had my brother meet me down the street where I had Liyah and then had him hand me Ruby's leash. Since Liyah isn't leash trained, I basically put a lead on her and let her go in the direction that she wanted and Ruby went with. Ruby was the one I was most concerned with...and other than a couple of growls because Liyah jumped up in her face, it went better than I could ever imagine. Brando sniffed her, she sniffed him, no drama at all...the thing that surprised me was that Brando sort of seemed indifferent to her. My brother and I brought Ru & Brando & Liyah back to the house and into the dog pen and took them all off the leash. Lots of running around, sniffing, small growling corrections from the adults (I didn't interfere with it). We kept them out there for about 1/2 hour.

    Brought them all in the house, blocked off the living room (I have a litter box set up as she is litter box trained)...and well, she decided the rug was a better place to go than the litter box. It took about three times of missing her signals to get it right. So the housetraining is definitely a work in progress. There was a lot of rough housing - mostly Ruby playing with her. Brando played with her a tiny bit, but for the most part, I think he's wondering when the little interloper is leaving. 🙂

    Other than the 10 minutes that I took to feed the kids dinner in their crates, the 3 dogs went non-stop for about 4 hours. Around 9:30ish, Liyah, finally went to a dog bed to lie down...Ruby went over and curled up next to her. Within a half hour, Liyah was back up. She finally seemed like she was truly ready for sleep about a half hour later, so I took all 3 kids upstairs. I have an xpen with litter box & her crate set up. I put the snuggle puppy in her crate along with a couple other toys and 2 nylabones. Ru and Brando climbed up on the bed, and with the tv on, and lights out, Liyah began to scream. This went on for about 15 minutes and then she put herself to sleep in her crate. Around 2:15am I heard her come out of her crate...she started whining and crying...I put my hand over to xpen, but it actually seemed to make her cry louder so I removed it. Both Brando and Ruby got up...although Brando stayed on the bed and growled at her a couple of times. Ruby actually went over to the xpen and growled once then climbed back on the bed. The crying ended about 15 minutes later. She didn't get up until around 6:40am. No crying, but we all got up, and I picked her up and took all 3 kids out.

    The only other event in the 24 hours was I went to grocery shop today around 10am when Liyah finally went to sleep (my brother stayed with all 3). I picked her up and put her in her crate and she whimpered a little. An hour later when I returned, my brother said she was screaming the whole time I was gone. She had worked herself into such a lather, that once I let her out it took her about 1/2 hour to stop whimpering. Otherwise, the rest of the day went really smooth. She is such a tough little kid and hates to go to sleep...she fights it hard, and it usually takes well over an hour of hard play for her to even sit down to rest.

    So overall, things are going really well. Brando doesn't play much with her, but I hope he will eventually come around especially since he is the most playful of the 2 adults.

  • It is funny about boys with puppies… they really, really HATE those baby teeth... be prepared that he may not want to play with her until she looses those teeth... but then typically the boys really warm up to them... And it has been a long time since I brought in a pup that was not born here, but I do remember when I got Mickii... she was quite the same.. for 3 days she fought sleep... then she settled in pretty easily... and it was she that taught OJ that puppies with baby teeth were NOT fit to play with... ggg... only when those teeth were gone ... then he loved to play with her...

    You are doing all the right things and sounds like all if really going well... and be prepared for lots of noise with your two adults as they "teach" her the way things should be...ggg.... but sounds to me like they have already accepted that she is not leaving anytime soon... I don't wonder if because when you were out that, but your brother was there that she wanted out...

    What is her registered name going to be?.... If I remember right, you are going to maybe show her?.....

    Congrats on your newest addition!!!! Can't wait to see pictures.....

  • I'm happy to hear things are going pretty well for you. Can't wait to see the pictures either!

  • @tanza:

    It is funny about boys with puppies… they really, really HATE those baby teeth... be prepared that he may not want to play with her until she looses those teeth... but then typically the boys really warm up to them... And it has been a long time since I brought in a pup that was not born here, but I do remember when I got Mickii... she was quite the same.. for 3 days she fought sleep... then she settled in pretty easily... and it was she that taught OJ that puppies with baby teeth were NOT fit to play with... ggg... only when those teeth were gone ... then he loved to play with her...

    You are doing all the right things and sounds like all if really going well... and be prepared for lots of noise with your two adults as they "teach" her the way things should be...ggg.... but sounds to me like they have already accepted that she is not leaving anytime soon... I don't wonder if because when you were out that, but your brother was there that she wanted out...

    What is her registered name going to be?.... If I remember right, you are going to maybe show her?.....

    Congrats on your newest addition!!!! Can't wait to see pictures.....

    Thanks Pat for that note about boys. It hasn't been bad, but I just wish he'd play with her more…but from your info (and from talking with Pam) I think you're right about the puppy teeth. He doesn't dislike her...in fact yesterday she went to lie down in the sun, and he went and plopped down right near her in the sun...his paws were touching her, and that was not the only sunny spot in the room.

    I played a ton with her yesterday...and have been keeping a toy and 2 nylabones (a regular one and a dental dinosaur) with me regularly...so if she starts to chew something (or me) that she shouldn't I immediately redirect her attention and she has been really good about it. She was exhausted by the time she went to bed last night at 10pm. She cried for about 5 minutes, then all was quiet...she woke up around 2am, made a couple whimpers, and then was silent until 5:15am...when she was up for good. I waited until she stopped crying (screaming & howling) and sat quietly. So she made it the WHOLE NIGHT...fantastic!!! :D:D

    This morning all three had a serious b500 in the living room...Ruby and she were really going at it...I loved watching it. Even Brando played with her a little bit, and included her.

    I am amazed at how well it is going over all. She is so confident, and even when she receives a noisy correction, she might cry because of the surprise, but she isn't afraid at all of either Ruby or Brando. She hasn't had an accident in the house since yesterday 7am...and she is already pottying on command outside. I think I'm going to take the litter box out downstairs and only keep the one in the xpen. I'd rather focus her on going outside during the day and evening. She doesn't seem to mind the cold and just enjoys exploring the whole pen. If Ruby & Brando are out with her, she is always the last one to end up wanting to go in.

    Yes, she is going to be shown. Her registered name is Eldorado's The Chosen One (the registered name came because Liyah was the dam's (Monroe) favourite). I also love it because Pam & Sheila were going to keep her for themselves but knew I really wanted her because she is Ruby's grandbaby and the only one from the litter that has some of Ruby's red - she's a brindle but not darkly brindled. Her pics are on Eldorado's website, if you go to the pups section, her butt is the one in first pic 😃 and if you go to the link of the young hopefuls on the pup page, her 9 week on happy feet is there; her pics are also in the Monroe/Sean litter section. I haven't really had any time to pull out the camera myself...things are really busy. This pic was taken with my cell phone...it's all I have right now.

    My main question is about the xpen and the adults growling. If Liyah cries at night in the xpen, Brando is lying on the bed and will let out low growls. This morning when we all got up, Ruby went over to the xpen and growled at her when she was crying. Is this something I should try to control…

  • @Nemo:

    I'm happy to hear things are going pretty well for you. Can't wait to see the pictures either!

    Thanks…overall, I'd say it is going better than I expected. I'm off to check out your thread now and see how Zoni is doing! 🙂

  • About the xpen, while I have never used one as you are doing.. so not much experience there… but I would do nothing... dogs have a language of their own... and I would just see how it plays out... and I would guess that once she gets past puppy stage she will not be in there?

    Very nice name and she is very pretty.... I have looked at the pups on Pam and Shelia's site... you will have lots of fun with her.

  • Oh she is such a cutie…she reminds me of Zaire at that age.. Congrats on the GREAT intro to your other two.. Sounds like everything is going very well with your little pack. 🙂


  • @tanza:

    About the xpen, while I have never used one as you are doing.. so not much experience there… but I would do nothing... dogs have a language of their own... and I would just see how it plays out... and I would guess that once she gets past puppy stage she will not be in there?

    Very nice name and she is very pretty.... I have looked at the pups on Pam and Shelia's site... you will have lots of fun with her.

    Thanks Pat…I really am happy with both her names, I love her look, and she has a great personality :D. I think the showing will be fun and I'm looking forward to it. I'm planning taking a George Alston beginner handling clinic since I have no idea what I'm doing.

    No, she won't have the xpen once she is reliable with the house training or I need to crate her during a full day at work (whichever comes first). In that case, she'll be on the bed with the other 2. In the meantime, I've arranged to work afternoons from home...luckily graphic design is job conducive to working away from the office. Not to mention that I work for a great company in regard to home/work balance.

    So far, it has only been a bunch of noise, so it isn't something that seems aggressive...so I think you might be right about it being a language 😃 issue. And I thought 2 were noisy! :D:D

    I really appreciate all your advice and help! Kim

  • @LiveWWSD:

    Oh she is such a cutie…she reminds me of Zaire at that age.. Congrats on the GREAT intro to your other two.. Sounds like everything is going very well with your little pack. 🙂


    Thanks! She's much less brindled than Zaire, but she does remind me of her in the pics you've posted. 😃 I'm really happy with how it is all going…but know it has only been a day and a half at this point. I'm starting to get a routine down, which is helpful.

    BTW, the only reason I can use the computer right now is because she's sleeping. 😃

  • She is ADORABLE!!! About the growling during the crying..yeah…my dogs tell each other to shut up all the time. We ignore it. Usually at our house, it is a male complaining about being in a crate, and the female next to him roars 'SHUUUT UUUUP!" then all is quiet. I wouldn't worry about it. I *think if you correct the adults for trying to correct the puppy, it might upset the way they need to sort things up. If gets carried away, and the puppy looks truly scared, I would redirect the adults, without reprimand, most likely.

  • And a tip about having a show dog… be sure if you don't have one, get a grooming table and put her on it... don't worry about "stacking" her... just get her used to being up on something that is high off the floor... if you don't have a grooming table, use anything... the counter, washing machine, kitchen table...etc...

  • @Quercus:

    She is ADORABLE!!! About the growling during the crying..yeah…my dogs tell each other to shut up all the time. We ignore it. Usually at our house, it is a male complaining about being in a crate, and the female next to him roars 'SHUUUT UUUUP!" then all is quiet. I wouldn't worry about it. I *think if you correct the adults for trying to correct the puppy, it might upset the way they need to sort things up. If gets carried away, and the puppy looks truly scared, I would redirect the adults, without reprimand, most likely.

    LOL, that's great…I absolutely bet that Brando has been telling her to SHUT UP :D:D With pretty much everything that has been going on, I've been letting them all sort it out, without my intervention. So if it escalates at all around the xpen, I'll keep the redirect without reprimand in mind...Liyah hasn't been acting afraid of much so far, so I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks!

  • @tanza:

    And a tip about having a show dog… be sure if you don't have one, get a grooming table and put her on it... don't worry about "stacking" her... just get her used to being up on something that is high off the floor... if you don't have a grooming table, use anything... the counter, washing machine, kitchen table...etc...

    Thanks for this…washing machine I think it will be. Another thing I hadn't thought of. 😃 Also, Pam & Sheila have the line on a set of happy feet (or is it legs?) for me that I'm picking up in the next couple weeks.

  • Your b is lovely.
    Thanks for the photo.

  • Thanks Sharron! 🙂

  • @renaultf1:

    Thanks for this…washing machine I think it will be. Another thing I hadn't thought of. 😃 Also, Pam & Sheila have the line on a set of happy feet (or is it legs?) for me that I'm picking up in the next couple weeks.

    Happy Legs… and you really should get yourself a grooming table.... practice with the Happy legs both on the floor and on the table.. and if you use the washer... be sure to put something on it (like a rubber mat) so she doesn't slide around.....


  • What size happy legs is best for a Basenji?

  • @Kebasmom:

    What size happy legs is best for a Basenji?

    Medium size is the one that I have. It is also the one that they recommend for Basenjis. I think that I have the small box

  • @tanza:

    Medium size is the one that I have. It is also the one that they recommend for Basenjis. I think that I have the small box

    Is training on stilts, like with happy legs, pretty much how everyone does training for stacking? I get that impression but wasn't sure.

  • Sometimes I use them and sometimes I don't. But they sure are handy for problem children, and just a nice asset to have overall! They definitely help, although just as nice results can be achieved without it, if you put in the work.

    It is soo funny to watch puppies the first couple times they are on them and realize there's nothing underneath them. lol

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