• Hello to all members of this community!
    My name is Thana Tsagaraki and I come from and live in Greece.
    As i am a new basenji 'parent', I feel that i will definitely need some advice in case any difficulties occur concerning my darling Mr.Eko.
    I have never owned a dog, so choosing such a unique breed i am sure will be a bit challenging. I have read everything concerning this fantastic creature and it has been a week that me and my husband have adopted him.
    A week ago we travelled to Germany and got him from the Mutabaruga Kennel.
    Up to now things have proven to be quite easy for us ,as he seems to have a very sweet and tender nature.
    We simply adore him!!!!!
    Greetings from Greece

  • Welcome to our pack – you'll find basenjis can be a handful so feel free to ask questions, cry on our collective shoulders, and share the stories about his antics. Collectively we have many many years of experience and can provide all sorts of tips.

  • Hello and nice to see you here:D

    Belle says hello to her half brother:D

  • Welcome to the forum and congratulations on getting your pup!

  • Wow, Greece!!! It never ceases to amaze me how many people on here are from so many places across the world! I love hearing from all of them and love having so many on the forums, WELCOME! I am a first time dog owner also, my husband chose Bella for me for my birthday… and, yes, she is a challenging breed. But I wouldn't trade her for the world, I love her so. It has helped a lot to be here on the forums and learn about this wonderful, quirky, beautiful breed and it's distinct personality. Feel free to ask questions and post pictures of your baby (hint, hint).:D

  • Welcome…and congrats on the new addition! Looking forward to hearing (and seeing pictures?) from you! This site is a lot of fun too!

  • WOO-HOO!!! Another new member, new Basenji, and new country!!

    Welcome Thana and Mr. Eko. Hope to hear more from you in the near future!!

  • Welllllcome!! and greetings from Paris France!

    Mutabaruga Kennels is excellent you are so lucky to have gotten one of their pups 🙂 My little girl Lycia's sire (Ch C-Quest's Echo of Eldorado) stands for Mutabaruga Kennels. What litter is your little guy from ? we will need pictures 😉

  • Hello & welcome from Canada. Congrats on your new pup.


  • Wow!
    what a warm welcome that was!
    I am very happy to meet you all (via this means ofcourse!)
    Please forgive me if i don't see posts or seem to not answer sometimes, as I need some time to get to use this forum correctly!:)

    I am really happy to have my boy, Mr Eko and i am posting some photos of this cute little fellow!!!!!!!!!

  • @Schouiffy:

    Welllllcome!! and greetings from Paris France!

    Mutabaruga Kennels is excellent you are so lucky to have gotten one of their pups 🙂 My little girl Lycia's sire (Ch C-Quest's Echo of Eldorado) stands for Mutabaruga Kennels. What litter is your little guy from ? we will need pictures 😉

    Echo of Eldorado! What a champion! He is one of the best i've ever seen! He is absolutelly amazing!!
    Our Mr.Eko comes from Mutabaruga's J-litter (2 males / 3 females - aalll fantastic little puppies!)
    I will be uploading pics of Mr.Eko in a moment 🙂
    greetings from cloudy Greece!!

  • Welcome to the forum!! Can't wait to see pics!

  • @basi:

    Hello and nice to see you here:D

    Belle says hello to her half brother:D

    Is this the 'Belle' i have heard of??:)

  • @Thana:

    Is this the 'Belle' i have heard of??:)

    Yes it is:D

    Just getting her ready for her big trip to Crufts in 2 weeks:D

  • well then, wishing you good luck!
    I think we might take part in shows in the future:)

  • Thank you:D
    Yes you should give it a go with him it is great fun:D and you will meet some lovely people.

  • Although this is all new to us, i guess everything has its first time!!! 🙂

  • thank you so much:)

  • Welcome to the forum, Mutabaruga has beautiful basenjis. Their J-litter was a very nice litter. I don't have a basenji yet, but I have looked very much at Mutabaruga Basenjis.

    Mr Eko is very cute!! Can't wait for more pics of him

  • Welcome to the forum, you will enjoy it here and make lots of friends.
    It doesn't matter that you have never had a Dog before because Basenjis are certainly not like other Dogs.
    They are wonderful creatures, can be naughty and a challenge but if you fall under their spell you will want more, lol.

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