• We FINALLY got Booger's results today… Robyn (Yodeldogs) traced his geneaology as best she could before I got him tested. With the information she had, she determined his dad is either a carrier or affected, so I was worried since he's at risk.

    Well.... drum roll.... Booger is a carrier!!!!!!!!! I cried when I opened it & found out he's not affected!!!!! Best late Christmas present EVER!

  • What a lovely, wonderful (even if late) Christmas present… congrats on Booger's results...

  • Congrats on Booger's results!

  • Yay, happy dance!

  • Congrats on great news!!

  • Congrats! That's wonderful news! 🙂

  • CONGRATS…that's GREAT news!

  • yayyyyyyyyyyy!! happy health news is the greatest

  • Thanks for all of the congrats! We're soooooo thrilled both Lola & Booger are not affected!
    Now our challenge is…. teaching our breeder :mad:
    I told her I was testing Booger & Lola a couple of months ago, and she said "What's Fanconi?" She also then said "What's lure coursing?"
    When I called to tell her the good news that neither of them will be affected, I mentioned that at least one of Booger's parents is a carrier or affected, if not both of them. She had a very "Oh okay I'm not really listening I'm just saying okay so you'll stop talking about this" response. I tried to describe some of the symptoms & she was like "Oh none of mine have it!"

  • …happy for you:)... sad for her and her pups:(...

  • Exactly, good for you…. sad for the pups that she will be producing and selling to unsuspecting families..... but you did what you could... and good for you for trying...

  • Congatulations on the results! Now that you know you can relax. 🙂

  • Soo sad for the pups and their new families. But what wonderful news for you. 🙂

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