Yes, socialization is great and fun know he is having a ball and what better feeling is there?
I love him playing with the doxie, as our doxie Gus is way to grumpy to play with Pippin..he snuggles with him but no play, NO…Gus will do anything for bodyheat but that is just about all.
Great pictures btw.
36th Day of Pregnancy
Ahhh, the pregnant Basenji form. Soon to be a goat! I love it!
She looks pretty! Lovely couple
ahhhh. she's a pretty fat lady….
is she's doning well during the pregancy?
She is doing pretty well, she is hungry 24/7 and is very laid back and relaxed.
By the way, I still take bets on the quanity…...
Can I come and visit when she whelps?? I want to see the fuzzie babies.. You are not THAT far from Paris.
My guess? 2 boys and 4 girls!
How exciting! They're going to be beautiful babies I'm sure!
She looks fantastic, can't wait to see the babies!!
I want to gess also..
I'm going for…
3 boys, 3 girls!!!
if i'm right, may I pick one for myself???