I tried to get a good video of Nexa and Leo in the snow, Nexa baits Leo into playing and then runs onto the back porch instead of chasing him…typical Nexa:D
Gosh, I have got to get a digital camera, the old 35mm nikon just doesn't cut it. I have an almost identical snow drift outside my back door and my furbud runs through it with abandon, only to want to come back inside after about 2 runs around. Takes about 45 seconds. Wuss!!!:D
Great pictures and the video too. I love the one where Maya is trying to kill the snow..
Wow, you got lots of snow..here we have no snow but cold 32 high, with windchill of 12..and that is cold for Houston, TX, so very cold..
So…how long would it take you to get here, BBoy...more grumbles from the beast…I think all of these below zero days are making her cranky!!
The beast…....I love it.:D Heck, I get a little cranky this time of year myself.:(