Heart murmur
Meeka has a heart murmur also, and its medium grade, i forget the actual number, i think 3/6. My vet said I could go to a specialist, but its expensive and theres really nothing they can do if she's not showing signs (tired, won't run, coughing). He said the only fix is surgery (replacing the valve). If they do start to show signs they can do testing and put them on meds to help the symptoms. From what my vet told me its seems like something you just need to keep an eye on.
And yes, Robin n Jack, my vet told me its the same in dogs as it is in humans.
We were told that our Marley had a heart murmur by her kidney doctor and told she didnt have a murmur by our regular vet. Since she had Fanconi and was being seen every 3-6 months they just kept listening every time we went in. Nothing ever came of it. For years we were told different things by several doctors but none of them seemed concerned unless other problems were coming up.
Does that preclude breeding? Just on the off chance that you were planning on it.
It does and it doesn't… If breeding were considered alot more research into the pedigree with respect to the sire/dam, grandsire/grand dam, siblings would be needed to see if this was a problem in that particular bloodline. Also I would be doing tests from a Cardiac specialists to see if exactly what the problem might be... IMO, if just slight, no history in the pedigree and/or the siblings, and a well health tested mate... before making a breeding decision.
Here is a link to the OFA site for information on what a cardiac exam should entail, http://www.offa.org/cardiacphys.html
This forum can help you if the breeder doesn't think its an issue.
Lots of good info here… -
yeah me and the breeder don't seem to get along.. im not the original purchaser of Rocky and she didn't know he was sold until i contacted her about him. she was unhappy about me buying my Mia from where i got her and felt the need to criticize me over email. i haven't talked to her in almost a year but i thought she should know.
This forum can help you if the breeder doesn't think its an issue.
Lots of good info here…thats why i posted here BEFORE i emailed her ;)
Oh, I am sorry there is a conflict…a good breeder is an asset to anyone who has a b who comes up with health issues.
Hugs..we are here for you. -
yeah me and the breeder don't seem to get along.. im not the original purchaser of Rocky and she didn't know he was sold until i contacted her about him. she was unhappy about me buying my Mia from where i got her and felt the need to criticize me over email. i haven't talked to her in almost a year but i thought she should know.
thats why i posted here BEFORE i emailed her ;)
Sorry that you are having that kind of response…. as a breeder... regardless of the situation... I would want to help.... and while it might be "not a problem" it is good to find out about others in the pedigree... but sounds like that is not going to happen for you....
I would just go back for the check up... if no change... I would just check again in 6 months... and then 6 months after that.... if there is a change.. I would consider asking your Vet for a referral to a specialist...
she said she only knew one woman who had a B with a murmur and she was fine so it wasnt anything to worry about..
seems to me shes making the assumption that all dogs with a murmur are the same and no murmur is serious.. which kinda turned me off to her even more..
im calling to make the next appointment in the next few days for a month from now.. he said to make it a late appointment so he can do the xray, if the murmurs still there, and be able to go over it while we are still there..
uughh i feel like i've been living at the vets office lately.. maggies been twice in the last month, and rocky went today for his annual and next month for the next visit and mia is getting fixed in two weeks
Would you mind saying, if you have not already, who Rocky's breeder is? Those comments that she made are just as you think, an assumption…. is not a good way to look at things... all health concerns should be taken seriously by breeders... just a things like temperament are.....
I haven't had any B's with a heart murmur, but have owned seveal dogs with heart murmur's. One lived until he was 18! A light murmur could mean nothing or everything. I would suggest you do all the research you can, and definitely obtain at least a second opinion. There are things you should be watching for. The most prominent is a cough. If there is a cough present you will definitely want that checked out as that is a symptom (usually) of a heart condition. Just my opinion of course.
supposedly he was registered when we got him (he was 1 year old).. ive got his certified pedigree from the AKC but you're right he is not on that website because i have looked before so i guess he wasn't. his Dam is on the OFFA website, CH Djakomba's Baby Blossom and his Sire is on the B Database but not on the OFFA website i dont think. i know hes passed on. Apex Ringleader of Djakomba.
Theres a number under his name on the certificate: HP16310901
i dont know if that means anything
That is his registration number/litter number that would have been assigned to him when Doris registered the litter. In order for it to be completed, each (what are called blue slips) for each pup with a number on it must be sent in to AKC, so I am guessing that she never completed the registration.
As a FYI on registration numbers, the "HP" with the first 6 numbers given are the same on a litter, the thing that ID's each pup is the last two, ie: 01, 02, 03 and they are given one number for each pup in the litter.
Doesn't look like she registered any of the pups from that litter. Too bad too, since it really messes up Sally's data base… I will let her know about your guy and she can put him on there.
Good news is that I know most of the dogs in both the sire and dam's pedigrees and have not heard of heart problems.