The most embarrasing thing Myran ever did was pee on my postwomans leg while I was chatting with her.I apologized and explained he´s never done it before and it must be all the bitches in heat.She gave me a dirty look and hasn´t talked to me since (this happened last year) just walks past me with a icy look on her face.
EL D and I were out walking one day when the grass was still wet, when we met with one of the neighbor girls. She had on a nice light colored dress.
Yes, you guessed it, EL D stood with his dirty paws on her to sniff her face.What IS it with these dogs wanting to sniff the face??? My boy always wants to sniff my face. I let him, and sniff his back…he seems happy when I do it.
Wierd dogs!
Probably the most embarrasing think for me: Kiora and I were at the open air market where many people come to shop and lots bring their dogs. We stopped at a bench to rest and Kiora fell asleep on my lap. Well out of the blue this man pops up and without saying anything just reached over ans pets Kiora. Kiora Woke up and growled at him. The man had this huge look of shock and indignation on his face and then just walked away without saying anything. I was very embarrassed. But not because Kiora growled, I just couldn't believe that a grown man would just pet a dog, that was sleeping on my lap no less, without asking!
My husband and I knew that our next door neighbor was going through a divorce around Christmas time. Over the past years we've occasionally helped each other with letting each others dogs out. So, we knew she liked dogs, but we weren't particularly close. We wanted to spread a little kindness, so we all (B included) brought cookies to her. She wanted us all to come and have a cookie with her. I realized that Darwin was being awfully quiet and looked over at him in time to see him lift his leg and proceed to pee all under her tree all over her Christmas presents!!!
Ok, time for me to fess up…. those two times when Lenny was at the vet because of his intestinal blockage.... I know what he ate, but have not posted it on here cause its too EMBARRASSING! But here goes nothing....
It was my boyfriends roommates s*x toy.
yes, lenny got up into her room one weekend while we were there visiting, and ate about half of it.
yep. i couldn't make that one up. sorry if it was TMI, but this was just the perfect thread for it.
Ha! Did they have to take x-rays?!
Ok, time for me to fess up…. those two times when Lenny was at the vet because of his intestinal blockage.... I know what he ate, but have not posted it on here cause its too EMBARRASSING! But here goes nothing....
It was my boyfriends roommates s*x toy.
yes, lenny got up into her room one weekend while we were there visiting, and ate about half of it.
yep. i couldn't make that one up. sorry if it was TMI, but this was just the perfect thread for it.
OMG, Michelle, can you hear me laughing??? LOL, LOL, LOL…I KNEW you had to know what Lenny ate. That is a classic. Thanks for the laugh...I needed that! :D :D :D
oh yeah, our first stint at the vet involved a barium series with about 15 x-rays. he finally just passed a big chunk on his own. Then about a month ago he had another episode where another piece moved from his stomach into his intestines and got stuck - this time the went straight to surgery to get it out.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! The B.O.B. caused all those problems!!!! (Not to make light of it, I was really worried about Lenny)
I guess I need to add an additional warning to my visiting college students!!!
Thanks for sharing (I'm still LOL, LOL, LOL…..) That took GUTS!! You got me beat!!
no problem… at least i(we) can laugh about it now. i didn't actually know what it was until a couple days after the first episode, when my boyfriend remembered that his roommate had come running down the stairs, destroyed toy in hand, waving it around screaming about how Lucky (her own dog) ate it.
turns out it was not her dog, it was lenny. i brought the retrieved piece to their place and she still had the remains of it - they fit together almost like a jigsaw puzzle! mystery solved!
Ok, time for me to fess up…. those two times when Lenny was at the vet because of his intestinal blockage.... I know what he ate, but have not posted it on here cause its too EMBARRASSING! But here goes nothing....
It was my boyfriends roommates s*x toy.
yes, lenny got up into her room one weekend while we were there visiting, and ate about half of it.
yep. i couldn't make that one up. sorry if it was TMI, but this was just the perfect thread for it.
OMG!! Your dingo ate my dil*o!!!!! ROFLMAOAOAO
You think thats bad…. You know how these Basenji's like to run through the house and bump into things and just keep going.
Well one day Roo was running down the hall as full speed on the way to the living room as he usually does. I was just coming out of the room and around the corner to go down the hall. Roo ran full speed right into my family jewels. Of course Roo was ok but I talked with a high voice for about two hours.
One (yes there have been more than one) of my embarrassing moments with my first B was in Macy's in Monterey, CA. We were looking at the hats and I smelled something funny. My dog had pooped right there in the accessories section of Macy's at Del Monte shopping center!! Luckily nobody saw it and I cleaned it up real quick!! Moments later this very elegant lady approached me and remarked that my dog was very beautiful and so well mannered. We had a nice chat and I was really thankful that she hadn't been there earlier:)
OMG!! Your dingo ate my dil*o!!!!! ROFLMAOAOAO
funny you say that: My boyfriend and I lovingly refer to Lenny as "dill*ohead" when no one else is around….