My 17 yo Dd's fair exhibits

  • She got two second places…. not too bad.
    Amber emailed after she saw the Keoki hanging on the wall; it was fun that someone noticed. 🙂

    I think the elk is definitely better in terms of art, but Keoki's was done in love so that makes it better to me. 😃

    I apologize for the blurry images; they were framed and didn't fit well on my scanner bed.

  • I LOVE that…way to go!
    What an artist.

  • Congratulatiions – both are beautiful.

  • Very nice….I often wish I could draw...they are both very lovley. What an must be quite the proud mom. 🙂

  • @LiveWWSD:

    Very nice….I often wish I could draw...they are both very lovley. What an must be quite the proud mom. 🙂

    I have a couple of kid who are fairly gifted artists – I wish I could get formal training for them. I think the talent is genetic and skips a generation. My dad was an amazing artist in woodworking and oil painting. Me? I still draw stick people and even they are questionable!:rolleyes:

  • They're both beautiful….Congratulations!

  • Wow! Very nice, congratulations to your daughter. Is she planning to go to college and do something with art?

  • @ChaseandZahrasmom:

    Wow! Very nice, congratulations to your daughter. Is she planning to go to college and do something with art?

    No, she just tinkers.
    She thinks she wants to work with the elderly.

  • Occupational Therapy?? That is a great field for working with the elderly and she could definitely work art in there too!

    Regardless her work is lovely!

  • Art therapy is something she might like, along with Occupational or physical therapy, both good fields to work in. Both drawings are excellent, you have a right to be very proud!

    Anne in Tampa

  • Do you think I could get your daughter to draw one for me of Sahara? I think she is quite good, and I would pay her for materials, shipping, and of course her talent. I could send her some pictures of Sahara and she could draw from those. What do you think? Since you homeschool, that would be a great art project for her. I homeschooled my son from 5th to 9th grade, one year he helped me with a ceramic natavity that I was doing in ceramic class. It turned out great, it has many pieces and he painted it white, and I detailed it in 14 carat gold. It will be his one day when he has his own family.

  • @youngandtired:

    Do you think I could get your daughter to draw one for me of Sahara? I think she is quite good, and I would pay her for materials, shipping, and of course her talent. I could send her some pictures of Sahara and she could draw from those. What do you think? Since you homeschool, that would be a great art project for her. I homeschooled my son from 5th to 9th grade, one year he helped me with a ceramic natavity that I was doing in ceramic class. It turned out great, it has many pieces and he painted it white, and I detailed it in 14 carat gold. It will be his one day when he has his own family.


    She said she'll give it a try…....


  • Please let me know your personal email addy, email me at I will get my pictures together and you can let me know where to send them. It will be a Christmas gift to my husband, I will get it framed here. Thanks, I know she can do it. 😃

  • I love the Basenji & the Elk is very intriging. Very nice ye for detail. Art Therapy is a very fulfilling field. Best of luck to your daughter.

    Becky & the Ninjas

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